We don't want flying

Getting to max level requires PLAYING the game.
Miss that somehow, did we?

Flight was never a problem until BLIZZARD made it a problem in WoD.
And the White Knights applauded them for it.


You are falling for it. Preventing us flying was just a means to extend our play time.

I timed it one day doing emissaries - over 80% of our time is spending travelling and less than 20% actually playing the game. Do you really like travelling, which for most people involves tabbing, out that much ?

Preventing people from flying on their own is actually making this game worse, you claim you see other people and interact but really you aren’t when most of it is up in the air on a flight path anyway. And that time spent on the flight paths is breaking people’s attachment to the game because they end up tabbing out on them.

Right now I am on this forum instead of playing because I am on a flight path…the game would be much better if I had to fly myself.


Yea getting to max level does take some effort.
Unless ofc you boosted through most of it by doing what?
Paying money to cheese it.
The gold cost for riding drove the real world value of gold.
Heck there is even a known case of prostitution for flight!
What’s stupid is this very attitude and people who are willing to buy their way through content for real money.
Which is all the cost of riding has done since Vanilla!
What else is stupid is it has driven gaming to the state it’s in today.
I’m not saying everyone contributed to it by buying gold from RMT.
Enough sure did that devs wanted a piece of that multi-million dollar pie.
Now we have games built off MTX instead of gameplay.

Well I for one want flying. So tired of trying to get to certain areas for WQ’s and have to run around and around a damn mountain just to find a path that leads to my destination.


We’re talking about a stinking mode of travel here, not a flipping rare mount or a raid achievement.

again…Flight… a mode of TRAVEL… WAS NOT a problem UNTIL BLIZZARD made it one.
Their goal is to REMOVE flight. They made that clear in WoD.
And white knighting for PF is just helping that goal along.


When for players like me all it does is make me not want to play.
I dont like being manipulated.
Flight was max level and gold before.
Gating flight in CURRENT content is fine with me personally. Not saying anyone else has to be ok with that at all
but making me go back into TWO OLD expansions on TWO accounts to grind out PF.
Aint happening.
And because its irritated me so much I have no intentions of getting it in any current content either.
I’ll play old content up to MoP till Im bored, then I’ll take me and my two sub fees to FF14 or whatever.

MY money is MY money and I’ll do whatever I want to do with it. which will be playing WoW till Ive had it with the crap games with a mode of travel, constant nerfing and dreading every tuesday morning and go find something else to play.


I probably would have taken a pause until flight and the newest allied races come out. However I, in my infinite wisdom purchased a boat that does not float and am subbed for 6 months.


nope the current developers did that and it started in WoD with this no flying business


Nobody cares about flying because the game has massive other basic issues that need to be addressed, like classes, the actual gameplay.

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yeah…I doubled that.
I wanted the boat not thinking to see if it had water walking. A boat that doesnt float. What a novel idea. No wonder players are complaining about seeing water striders everywhere.
But I did it for both accounts before I thought it thru and now Im stuck for another 4 months.

S’ok though.
I figure I’ll be nice and bored by then anyway.

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I can’t wait. All the herbs and ores will go down to like 2 or 3 gold each. Maybe into the silvers for some of them.

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I love flying on my Druid picking herbs and enjoying the scenery.


There’s a much bigger picture here than your ability to fly my dude.

Blizz removed the gold cost from riding/flight to devalue gold.
So people wouldn’t need to buy gold from 3rd parties.
Furthermore they opened the gold faucets up. To further devalue it.
They even added the token to you guessed it.
Devalue it and make it accessible through them.
Why? Because they wanted that HUGE slice of MTX pie. That the RMT was getting from their game.

What they should do is leave path finder as is for those who actualky enjoy playing the game towards a goal.
Charge the whales $25 a toon to unlock flying per toon.
Now everyone is happy. Until the market completely crashes because MTX just ruins gaming…

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No. Mtx started waaay back in games like UO, EQ, and Vanilla wow.
People bought currencies, items, and leveling services from 3rd parties.
Showing devs that there is a billion dollar a year business inside of their games.

Devs have been designing games and systems since to ensure 3rd parties don’t get that money.
They do so with cash shops, p2w, and gating practices.

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That is an excuse, friend.
They wanted to REMOVE flight in WoD.
It had ZERO to do with devaluing gold. Please stop being naive.
They did it to make THEIR jobs easier and to drag out game play, end of story.
When it blew up in their faces, they got spiteful and pathfinder was born.
Ive done enough research on the topic and adding 2 and 2 isnt that hard to do.

And no…charging $25 a toon would cause even more unsubbing.
You really dont understand how paying customers think, do you?
Ive run a business for 30 years. Im pretty sure I can see 20-30% of the player base being offended enough at being charged $25 a pop for a BASIC MODE OF TRAVEL for FLYING MOUNTS they ALREADY PAID $25 for being the final insult and walking, as I know I would.


This is sort of way out there.

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Hopefully it is.

flying in BC was absolute hell on PvP servers. Could be wrong but I think it’ll totally ruin war mode. I don’t want to get shot out of the sky or landed on and ganked by groups of 5 players. The already cheap herbs/ore will be worth so little that it’ll feel pointless for a lot of people, meaning even fewer people running around outside of towns. It’s probably worth implementing towards the end just to see what impact it has on war mode, and then avoid making the same mistake next xpac.

Well see this pvp issue with warmode they can fix easy - just don’t allow flying in warmode, however, the rest of us shouldn’t have to be forced into a miserable playstyle or quit playing because you guys like killing each other.


Why fly…so you can go between six abysmally small islands quicker? This entire expansion is laughably tiny. Each zone is like one block, you can run around their perimeter in five minutes. Joke expansion

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Well friend.
If you’ve been in business that long and you can’t see that those paying customers to those 3rd parties back in the OG days are what has birthed MTX of today I don’t know what to tell you.
You think they just woke up and thought lets be greedy?
Nope. Not buying it. Rmt and those who bought from them highlighted how much players were willing to spend.

Also big time business person.
What do you think the gold price of flight would be in today’s game economy?
Tokens go for what 120kish gold right now?
So $25 might be a bit more than a token.
However there is so much gold in the economy whats a realistic gold cost for flight?
200k? 500k?
There’s people sitting on millions! Others? Not so much but tokens are still being bought/sold!
Whats that do for blizz’s token business?
Oh thats right people will buy them up at $20 a pop to get that flight they so desperately need. Right now.

What was the going rate from 3rd parties for 5k gold in TBC when flight was added?
It was high enough one infamous player took to the oldest profession in the world to get her flight.

Yea I dont understand customers at all. What I do understand is there is millions of dollars in pixels and people have shown time and time again they will pay for them.

Know what a spectral tiger mount card goes for?
Heck the flag if ownership was $100 at one point! LOL

Also business guy, pricing flight per toon was more of a crack at company greed and players who willingly by into it than an actual pricing.

Hiwever the question does stand.
How much would the cost be and what does that translate into real money.

Whats the point of making it 5-10k? Might as well just give it fir hitting max level.
Oh but then people will complain its too easy.
So lets set it higher but that makes people buy our tokens because we are greedy…LOL
What a mess. SMH.
Whales caused this.