there is literally 3 systems for chraracter progression lol
The only complex system is the cards.
Which has in game video and if not enough…YouTube it.
Arpg grind, yes. But they pay you for grind.
2 hours of power farming in arpg. You are leaving richer or mats for days. D3 players know this well. You may not get the legendary you desire, you are getting gold for one more gr push, the mats to cube, or you can pay the gypsy lady for a reroll.
Wow I cam have a raid runs from hell, back to back lfr wings. 2 hours and not 1 single, solitary drop from it.
Fishing literally makes more money than raid in this game.
And most guides hit said gear upgrade system is crap to 50 anyway. That is one progression system to me.
Usual arpg fair there. Even d3 like this. You are upgrading the blacksmith just to get him done. The gear sucks in the run to 70 usually so you are dusting gear to make that higher post 70 gear.
let see
there’s the regular few that all mmos have, and then lost ark also has
rapport (why the hell is there an npc dating system?)
adventure tomes
daily login rewards
energy bars (totally not like a mobile game at all!)
and I’m probably missing some that I simply haven’t seen yet since I’m only lvl25, there’s like boats or something.
Psst…it An rpg.
Wow has killed off stuff. Like this. Raid or death crap. Many rpgs you make npc friends over time.
Also…an optional system. Most items I have gotten Feed back into rapport system. There is no gun of doom here. You tend to get the rapport items needed to impress other chars really that I have so far.
Want to be a raid or deather don’t make npcs like you really go ahead. I am crushing story and not 100% it really. For my first 50 faster. Rapport not even touched beyond gimmes.
My skill at arpg is more than my wow one lol. I can be down a few %’s. On bonuses. Just means my gunslingers kites more. I’ll strip off all 7 shields and drop em. I don’t doubt my value as a person if that takes 2 minutes and not 1.5.
Working with others is always a chore.
Can be a chore, can be very fun, and anything in between.
I mean.
Character progression is literally 3.
All the rest you mentioned is just content some optional lol
uh, elemental shamans are mobile game class then? lol it literally work exactly the same.
As someone who came in dry and put 30 hours in right away. It’s pretty good on explaining most systems. Cool dungeons. Good character art. I hate the gender lock but whatever. It does a bad job of explaining some of the attack types but their name is pretty self explanatory. Pvp is also pretty darn good. U don’t even need max level.
I was bored and tried it out. Felt very generic arpg to me. I did not try pvp but the pve combat felt like D3 but less polished.
Very CPU intensive and high on ram. You’d think a game that came out in 2022 would actually be optimized correctly but I guess not.
The servers are at capacity and causing lag spikes and high ping for everybody. NPC’s look choppy and look like they’re doing the robot for walking animations. I’ll try again tomorrow to see if it’s just the servers causing this.
I bought founder for $15 to try closed beta, hated it. The sound design is intolerable, the business model is intolerable. Tried again during head start, same problems. I’m not dealing with 30 day pet rental, the mount summoning noise gives me nightmares. It is a huge pile of crap and the art style is also not my thing. Waste of money. My free month of premium is burning and I don’t care. Probably never going back.
ah, so you haven’t reached gathering yet. There’s literally a mobile game energy system attached to it.
Its more like Path of Exile or Diablo 3 than WoW looked at it but personally will just keep playing PoE till D4 is out.
lost ark is the wow killer.
ffxiv who?
U won’t get an accurate view of the game from wow forums. It will 99 percent be hate as u can’t bring rpg design into another rig. If u ask if wows a good game in any rpg they will crap talk it.
WoW is a lot better mmo than people give it credit for. 2021 was just a rough year for it
If it’s not for you it’s not for you, that’s fine. I love Wow and it’s going to stay my main mmo , but to pretend Wow doesn’t have bloat as well is insane. How many in game currencies do we have again? How much do legendaries cost again? Pick your poison man. 100% agree wow is the better game but let’s not act like conduits and a few things in the game are not a grind.
that can vary by class.
Took some getting used to by I am liking gunslinger rotation.
pistol q and d aoe spam openers, switcht to shotgun a q,w,e and then snipers special casts a as I kite out before boss closer attacks.
back to pistols with cd’s cooked off…start again.
it so far is better than waiting for cools downs on 1 set of skills. and nice break from D3 demon hunter I have in season. That is jsut chakram spam and turrets so far. Went for a safe leveling build till 70 on her.
Not gonna lie though I have pressed that E to clear boss attack and went crap…E for evasion only in the pistol rotation. And I am in shotgun mode…doh.
Exactly, still waiting for an MMO where you can be bugs, skeleton or even slime, I appreciate WoW because they have balls to give us undead option which is rare and even though I personally still waiting for an undead model like calia and nathanos.