We don't even need RDF lol honestly

The sea cucumber I think

cry? no. People will just quit and what happened before will happen again. Congrats. History repeats itself.

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Kevin who?

The guy who designed the game you are enjoying now. He is like the godfather of WOW. You are paying a monthly sub for a game he designed LUL.

Who is getting rekt now?

Kevin is literally this guy’s hero. Show him some god-d*mn respect.

You are paying a monthly sub for a game you still complain about. Hahahaha… It’s not even original.

And you aren’t getting RDF like you want…


You don’t have to find a game flawless to still think it’s better than nothing lmfao

You are paying a monthly sub and you won’t have RDF…

(But someone who spends days of their life going to bat for a company online probably doesn’t understand that)

so playing a game requires you to know all the individuals that created it? That doesn’t seem entirely accurate.

Still not getting RDF. Keep cry posting.

No but when told of them, ridiculing the people who actually made a game good enough you are willing to pay a monthly sub is kinda weirdchamp.

You need to respect people who made the things you like or you will get bad products.

Still not getting Kevin’s attention.

maby but the fight will continue until they shut down classic.

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What hahahahaha

What do you mean, I can easily get his attention in his stream. He responds to people.

Kevin left and you got retail. LUL owned…

Almost 4000 wow forum posts and watches Kevstreams? Man, I hope you’re enjoying yourself

you can respect the people that make the stuff you use without knowing who they are.

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Respect Kevin or get punished.

Again you are just mad someone knows how to design games and you are clueless and would make a game worse than New World.

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not possible…lol

I’m not mad about anything, it’s just insane how nolife you are about this lol