We don’t have any specific Hunter changes to announce at this time

Yep, unhindered assault in the aldrachi reaver tree
ive been asking for something similar for hunter since legion, yet instead they just nerf posthaste more each expansion lol

Hunters must have made Bliz angry. Possibly the most played class and the class doesn’t even feel like it is being worked on.


Hunters made blizzard angry by being the most popular class.

Nope blizzard just needs restructured and the class will get worked on after that sometimes the devs ect just needs replaced.

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Sigh it feels like Mage is getting more ‘cool animal companions’ than Hunter is. :frowning:

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yeah if they made it so elves could be shamans I would play one too! love the cool storming and lava effects they have

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I don’t know Lucaviane. In PVP Aimed shot and Rapid fire now each do half the damage people were complaining about the pre-nerfed sniper shot did, but are nearly always available and the cast times are shorter. The last tuning pass was a net buff for all content for mm. While a total redesign might make it a little more interesting, plenty of damage right now for burst AoE and single target.

Referring to TWW and Survival mostly. The season 4 tier set being a nerf from season 3, neither hero talent set functions well for survival compared to the other spec that shares it. The spec talent tree still being the DF beta trees with 7 passive % 2 point nodes ect.


In the situation we have been in for some time in relation to hunters and the survival spec in particular, which has been suffering since the beginning of dragonflight with the lack of dedication from developers, where the talent tree is poorly designed, where in S4 they did not have the capacity to date correct the tier bonus and give an increase in damage to certain skills. I’ve come to the conclusion that IT’S BETTER TO DELETE THE SPEC ONCE AND FOR ALL!

Congratulations Blizzard for neglecting our class!

Sorry if my text was confusing, my English isn’t the best


No, it was quite on point actually!

It’s hard to tell if they officially “support” SV any more, or the class in general for that matter


Honestly survivalist makes me think of Rambo. Just sayin’. Traps, weapons, bombs, bows, etc.


I’m not going to join the thesis debate about dw and enchants and loot drop methodologies (ermagerdz, touch grass) I’m simply going to say that more variety adds more flavor to the game. If we all end up looking exactly the same and playing exactly the same, why even bother having to go get loot. Just put it all on a vendor and call it a day.

MMOs SHOULD HAVE variety. Whether it’s successful is up to Blizz with respect to implementation. But suggesting we should have LESS variety because of maths and drop rates and micro-variances in effectiveness kind of just ruins the game. Especially when you are talking about theorycrafting and simulations. The percentage of players that are maxed on gear and enchants to even worry about these differences is so small, and also then factor in fight styles, play styles, etc. and it’s all moot.

Like theorycrafting whether walking, skipping, or shuffling down the street is more effective. Who cares. If it’s close, it’s good enough. Pick what suits you.

Rambo + predator


I feel this to an extent, if it could also be ranged it would fit that 100% though

It does… except where the choice is simply “A” or “functionally identical to A, but slightly nerfed”. Which is generally the outcome of attempting to make a choice merely cosmetic (perform identically), without actually making it just cosmetic (transmog).

I’d still be fine with it either way as I’ve no interest in pushing cutting edge of M+ and faint differences are honestly permissible even in Mythic raids (else you’d have long since been forced to swap classes or specs anyways), but anything more than the most obvious and least problematic path to the intended result does seem like an unnecessary cost not just to time but also quality.

Sticking to hunter until the end my friend.

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I get that, I wish they could figure out how to balance better too. I know I’m being a bit facetious when I say this, but surely it can’t be THAT hard to try to balance out 2h v 1h. What it seems to come down to more often is simply “we are only going to make one BIS type of weapon” which is where the distinction comes.

Examples: Druids, Surv hunters, monks, it’s the 2h end of raid weapons. Nothing 1h compares to the on-use effects. Frost DKs would be stupid to go 1h if they can get the legendary.

The problem is less about balance and more about itemization. Folks love fun on-use or on-click weapons, and there’s always (1) that’s best.

Frankly, this is why I love trinkets with usages, because it’s so much more varietal. I wish weapons were simply flavory stat sticks, and it was the OTHER gear that had the fun effects on it. Give us some on-use gloves, or shoulders, or something.

It’s only on the weapons to act as a carrot. Which is silly, because ANYTHING can become a carrot. Or hey, here’s an alternative. Let’s go old school. How about a 2H that splits into 2 1H weapons? And back. This way the BIS folks can use however they want, right?

There’s so many effective ways to counter this, but it mostly comes down to Blizz taking the least-effort way, IMO.

It’s not hard to get pretty close even on enchants that proc also from GCDs. It just requires reverting some previously asked-for / de-convoluting changes.

But again… if the intent is simply choice in visuals… why not just make it a choice in visuals? Why instead complicate the loot pool, reformulate ppm factors, reintroduce 2h enchants or allowing two-handers each to take two enchants, and rehaul Loot Specialization as a feature, etc.?

Itemization is important to upper end balance, though. If the dual-wield set better avoids Mastery, for instance, every PvE SV Hunter is now going to have to farm up twice the number of weapons as before.

I mean, that’s just the inherent issue with legendaries. They exist, ultimately, to rotate FotMs when not balanced around and/or simply screw over whosoever hasn’t gotten them yet when they are balanced around.


  1. there are many and they are capped in the number that can be equipped at a time, per Legion, as to represent a real (enough) choice
  2. there are options for each itemization path for each spec that can take them (e.g., both 2h and 1h) and can be acquired through multiple content paths…

…they’re honestly bad for the game as a whole.

I mean, they typically are. Weapons baring bonus effects are the rarity. It’s legos, and a few others whose procs may or may not even be worth the poorer secondary stat selection.

There are a few. I’d agree there could/should be more.

Of it were that easy it would be great, but how does autoattacking animations work with a 2h equipped but dual wielding animations? Do you just see yourself swinging by on the 2h swing timer so extremely slow dual wielding that pops up just 1 number? Ect. The combat logs and pop-up numbers wouldn’t match the visuals right? I think the only one that works for is something like feral/monks where auto attacks don’t use weapon animations.

It would be literally impossible to balance having options of mechancially different 1h vs dw weapons in a game. Enchants exist, so DW gets access to two potentially different enchants. DW has an entire separate weapon, so they would get (albeit minute) more stat customization options.

You can balance them very close, but as long as there is a difference, people will gravitate towards the stronger one, even if it’s sub 2% better. Look at how many people play races based on DPS output, for example