We don’t have any specific Hunter changes to announce at this time

It would be really nice if the actual hunter trees got cleaned up.


Idk, i’ve already achieved a few top 50 world CEs, so i think there’s some benefit ?

I’ve seen no evidence that 2H weapons have double the proc chance by simple fact of being 2H.

The closest I’ve seen actual evidence for is proc-chance-per-weapon-speed normalization for auto-attacks, whereby if a 2.6s weapon were to have, say, a 13% chance per AA swing to proc its effect, a 3.8s would have a 19% chance per AA swing to proc its effect.

However, that only compensates for the slower attack rate normally (read: always, but not by anything by any inherent rule) found among two-handers, not for the lack of a second weapon.

In short, it makes a 3.8s two-handed weapon proc as often as a 2.6s one-hander or a 1.8s dagger, but it’s still just one weapon. Unless the enchant also procs from special attacks and the normalization was applied also to something that was already normalized across weapon types (one’s GCD), the single two-hander still has only a single weapon’s worth of procs, the same as any other single weapon — that is, half the proc rate of dual-wielding.

Now, if you’ve seen a Blizzard post or Wowhead analysis, etc., pointing out that two-handers really do have twice the proc chance per weapon-speed of one-handers’, then fair enough. I’ve just not seen any hard evidence for it yet, despite seeing theorycrafting conversations to the opposite effect, such as those explaining why BM and especially WW get more net DPS out of DWing than when using a 2H, to the order of a little over 1% more net DPS despite some abilities’ power not scaling with the offhand weapon’s DPS. Greater value from enchants, seen both in practice and sims, is the consistently cited reason.

  • For BM, this is slightly more complicated by the fact that more BM abilities do not use the offhand weapon DPS in their calculation than WW abilities do not, but BM gets a 2% damage buff when dual-wielding in compensation. Even then, however, the added enchant value usually puts DWing slightly ahead. For that to be the case, it seems very unlikely that there is a hidden 2H-specific proc chance adjustment.

Tl;dr: They could make it work the way you refer to, but what you’re referring to does not yet appear to be part of the game.

Largely agreed, but it’s worth contrasting the community’s expectations regarding swapping in-class customization vs. swapping the classes themselves, especially when the in-class customization through which one is hurting their output has no function beyond the cosmetic.

And all that already assumes corrections to Loot Specialization, etc.; else, things like replacing your would-be 2H personal loot drop —seeing as not everyone raids— with a single 1H unusable until a second also drops, taking up a would-be alternate piece of loot with it (an annoyance DKs and Warriors can avoid via Arms and Unholy Loot Specializations) remain a prior and greater concern.

Content creators get wined, dined, and first round Alpha access. We await Beta. Signing up for Alpha is a far cry from getting Alpha access. Most players havent seen Alpha content and dont know the forums exist or wouldnt comment if they had a suggestion. Forum posters are a minority.


Alpha is when all the real changes take place. We better hope they aren’t just pulling people for clicks and hype that aren’t going to help weed out early issues. I understand that is what is happening, and its a big issue. Beta should be for content creators after most things have been ironed out and now they need a broader brush to patch things and build hype. One of my friends that happens to be a content creator hasn’t even played the game in months but got alpha and all they did was log on, show off the hero talents for their spec, and then log off. Never to return. I think Blizzard made a mistake because it didn’t even build up any hype from what I have seen. WoWHead does all the work for them.


No their not just macro them to drop at your feet

Sadly they are just hyping the expansion with content creators it seems surely the hunter class will see some work in patch 12.0 or 13.0 microsoft needs to restructure blizzard.

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In legion there have been multiple bosses where this straight up didn’t work for a long time

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yes they are. there are multiple bosses that traps straight up dont trigger on. not to mention needing to use a macro so your abilities function like a pbaoe 1) removes the flavor that people insist that traps bring 2) defeats the entire purpose of having it be a trap.

like be so fr right now if your counter to “traps arent annoying” is “just macro them so theyre not a trap” …


Freezing trap could have become Freezing arrow a LONG LONG time ago :sweat_smile:


Caltrops and explosive trap workrd on bosses in legion . I was using rhem freaquently. On progression.

Another week. 0 changes. What are you all going to be rerolling to or will you be sticking it out for the Midnight expansion?

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I am a dh at the moment.

Going mage or shadow priest cause I dont think Blizz cares about us

Its looking like shaman for me. Might as well enjoy it while they arent forgetting about them. Wont be long and theyll be back in the boat with hunters.

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Not going to reroll I will just play a game with devs that actually cares about it.


I’m thinking unholy dk or ret atm
maybe fire mage. all of them have amazing hero talents and actually get changes from the devs

also side note, demon hunters getting double vengeful retreat before hunters get double disengage is insulting as hell


NO WAY really double vengeful retreat…

I really wanted to do survival & marksman, I don’t like beastmaster, but the level of just sheer biased behavior from the developers of this game is ridiculous. Some specs getting rework after rework and each season they’re mid at worst, or high tier dps, while other specs are constantly ignored and maintain bottom tier dps and non-existent raid utility is just laughable. Indeed, other games have developers who actually talk to their playerbase and check their ego. These guys force changes the players rally against and flat out ignore large portions of their player base.


Purple or blue mage seems like a good bet and I will be giving blue mage a go in Pandaland Remix. I played it a tiny bit in SL and fire’s rotation wasn’t that hard.

I do kinda of hate casters though so if it doesn’t work out, likely Bear cause Brew tends to catch random nerf strays but who knows, double celestial brew could be very fun since the bear trees seem equally boring as Hunter’s.