We did it! 2h frost!

Dude every class has dead on arrival talents that just sit there over the course of literal expansions. That isn’t just a DK thing its a game thing. A lot of talents have very niche uses that shine on some fights. Icecap beats out breath on a lot of fights if you look at logs which are the only things that matter btw not sims. Cold Heart is trash in pvp. Inexorable is the go to in pvp and probably next xpack as oblid is getting a full conversion to frost dmg with its last rank.

Its much harder to balance talents that are meant to be unique than it is to tune proc rates with weapon types and swing timers.

Also Shadowlands is the expansion of giving players agency and choice. When it comes to Blizzard they shove things people down their player’s throats hard. Can’t wait to see how the mini factions play out.

Actually, only KM will be giving Obliterate it’s Frost component. If anything that just makes Obliteration the go to instead of Icecap in pvp, especially considering everything Pillar is losing from BFA. It also kinda invalidates Inexorable outside of pvp in a way? Especially considering Inexorable doesn’t get benefit from Killing Machine.

Yeah it’s true, a ton of stuff is sucking RN. Mage’s got some stuff base lined but they mostly just feel like fluff. The main thing with Frost DK is that 2h was loud and proud touted as the “FINALLY” change. So it going live as is would be really really bad. Cause there’s no real choice involved with DW vs 2h at current. You’re not even changing playstyle you’re just worse. At this point it’s really wait and see. The feedback’s been given, time will tell if they’ve listened.

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Oh didnt know that was the interaction. For pvp a lot of people run full mastery + vers for frost. Frost is definitely losing a lot of power in pillar. Inexorables taken in pvp because playing around coldheart is removing one of dks biggest reasons to be played which is convert every1 into a ret pally in terms of mobility.

We also have to keep in mind we’re receiving legion power legendaries too though so I can see some trait effects being placed into those.

But yeah Shadowlands is like in november so its a wait and see. Really curious to know how much passive power we’re getting out of soulbinds and the mini factions + legendaries.

That’s true. That and PVP vendors and such, meaning the possibility of PVP oriented buffs and/or legendary’s and set bonus’. I’d much rather see things like Icy Citadel baselined than placed into a legendary. Getting Cold Heart as a talent (minus it’s admittedly stupid stun) was nice. It won’t feel good to grind 2 weeks for a legendary then go “oh its that azerite trait I had that didn’t require nearly as much time investment” ya know.

There’s definitely a lot left to see that’s for sure. Considering how much or gameplay is tied to Covenants, it’s going to be really interesting to see how it all turns out. Cautious optimism for sure. If they actually manage to tune everything to be as impactful as racials then I can see this being one of the better expansions out of Modern WoW.

Yeah I’m optimistic but I feel the cautious part. BFAs biggest turn off for me was class design and the rng nature of gearing+passive procs. Dungeon design this expansion was terrible the raiders were actually really good Mythic Jaina and Ghuun were really fun fights just wish the guild I was in was as good as the fight designs lmao.

Rerolling back to DK from DH haven’t played since Cata hoping Frost feels like Cata DK again but thats probably a pipe dream.

^ Yeah it’s very nice when Blizzard gets rid of the troublemakers… Or when you can finally just add them to ignore…

I just wanted to say THANK YOU for making me aware that we had the option to “officially ignore” others on these forums. I had no idea that was an option until just now.

Thank God for this! No more having to see all the provoking, lying, hypocritical, and immature nonsense!

Happy Days!

Thanks again! :blush:

So yeah Back to 2H… It’s still early Alpha so there’s still plenty of time for the many issues that people are concerned about to be addressed. I’m sure Blizzard is well aware of them and that’s it’s only a matter of time before they are addressed.

Anyway I can’t wait! Lot’s of good things coming to the game. I’ll see you guys in Shadowlands!