We could really use better designed shield transmog

Shields are used by Prot warrior/paladin, Resto/Ele shaman, and Holy paladin. Most shields have relatively poor design, and are undesirable for class fantasy. Please design some better shields for the 5 specs that use them.


There are some pretty great looking shields in the game. Can you elaborate on what kinds of specific improvements and changes you’d like to see?

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I have a heap of shields that look good in my transmog list, especially from wotlk, I dont think I’ve ever seen them as lacking.

Two races I play that could use a lot of help are Blood Elves whose shields look gargantuan on them (Artifact), or Nightborne where any shield that isn’t an artifact looks tiny. Truthfully they are only 1 or 2 shields outside the artifacts I find actually have any level of quality, and I’m not asking for super detailed shields, but general fantasy, good colors, well sized for the models, and works good with several mogs. Most of my toons, including my shaman, I cannot find shields that are nice to use.


What are a couple of your favorite shields, currently?

Honestly outside the artifact shields, my favorite are the old school BC Sunwell shields.

On my Shaman, I basically only use the variants of the Highkeeper’s Ward. The swirly outside and the color selections make it pretty much always fit each outfit wihout completely hiding my character behind a wall.

I just think they could do like with adding shoulder pieces to Torghast or shoes to Trial of Style, they could add a selection of shield cosmetics for collection.

Suggestions for your Blood Elf:

Shield of the Stockcade
Lambert Scale shield
Light’s Shield
Reforged Kal’dorei Crest
Shield of the Righteous Cause
Hardened Steel Shield
Bonelink Wall Shield
Tharg’s Disk
Pewter Slab

They are all good shapes, plain metal colors and work on Blood Elves, although a couple will probably clip with a cloak.


/awards token of helpfulness… :relieved:

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I’m a fan of the shield from the Black Bell rare in Bastion.

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I deeply appreciate the helpfulness, the old textures are just rough on the new transmogs. I really do appreciate it though.

To @Maizou, I really do like that shield.

poor design? my shield is sexy to be honest, maybe your shield is ugly though, i suggest farming more shield mogs if you have a wooden broken shield mog

I’ve went through most of the mogs, I just don’t see many worth grinding out. So collectively it would be valuable for the community for Blizzard to work on new properly scaled shield mog.

you’re only one voice that most will disagree with, there are plenty of awesome shield mogs to choose from

That’s your opinion, and that’s fine. However, for myself and apparently others who have liked my post there are not enough good shield mogs available.

6 likes out of 6 million, not enough to warrant a hand pat to meet your demands, maybe you just have bad taste, i bet you’re one of those undecided shoppers at walmart too i bet

I’d love to see a shield that looked like Doctor Strange casting a sigil. Or a Very Light Shield to go with the Very Light Sabre.

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Your last two post were hand edited trolls. Either way, others agree. Perhaps conversely you and other have poor taste. Taste is subjective, not objective. You can keep a revolving door of conversation adding nothing to your life than being an annoyance or you can further the discussion.

i didn’t edit it, some kind of bug going on in the forums, keeps removing me from the quote