Just throwing out an idea… for the Alliance side, we get 20 interested high skill/lvl players and throw our bodies at mythic, surely couldn’t hurt as I only think 2-3 guilds are even attempting pulls at mythic atm. Obviously probably going to have to be 425+ atleast 22-25k dps, but yeah idk was just thinking about it and figured why not.
I would heavily advise against trying it without the gear. Unlike the previous tiers in this expansion, the first boss in mythic isn’t a complete pushover in EP. We lost a raid night expecting that it might follow the trend of the rest of BFA.
Unless it gets heavily nerfed, of course. I hope it doesn’t; it probably won’t be hard to out-gear and it’d be a boring fight if it was nerfed enough for us to not have to learn and execute the mechanics.
Oof good to know!