We can't have any more well-written Light antagonists?

I never said it wasn’t in the cards. I’m saying how it’s been handled is poorly written so far.

Be careful :wink: , condemning those actions is objective morality, something you have shown a pathological aversion to. You either have to leave subjective morality to say that or acknowledge your opposition to her actions is hollow - just your opinion; the two are mutually exclusive. You can’t have your cake and eat it too.

Good point. Perhaps because the Horde as a whole are also popular. It could work if the other character or group is not popular. If it was Joe Blow the centaur warlord clashing with Jaina, fans would be baying for Joe’s head (I’ve said in the past if Xe’ra had tried to Lightforge Gallywix by force people wouldn’t have complained; not even if it was Ji Firepaw, I think).

Reminds me of this old thread of mine (which aged far too well given a certain lawsuit);