We can't give proper feedback on new talents until

we see what our talent trees and abilities look like.

Current Jadefire stomp is awful for WW. Its BAD and needs to be drastically changed for WW to have fun with it. Bonedust brew is not fun in general. WW having a bunch of talents for ToD is bad. Being forced to go a bad route to get a 2nd charge of roll which was baseline from Monk release until Dragonflight. RJW sucks in general and needs to be reworked.

About half of the healing talents are useless for WW and Brew… maybe if those heals didn’t stink for those two specs?

Serpent statue is useless for WW and Brew. Tiger is boring and should be removed or fully reworked. Ox is very niche BUT could be a lot more useful if it wasn’t in such a bad spot. Windwalking is nearly impossible to pick up for anyone without hurting your main spec.

Brew has button bloat still after all the changes and most of the stuff is just extra damage which is just meh. WW still doesn’t scale properly and is forced to play awful cooldown builds (serenity and jadefire stomp are not fun). Its mind blowing that when Mastery was first added to WoW it was sold as an extra way to tweak a specs power and yet a spec like WW doesn’t get their Mastery scaling changed so one of the most loved parts of the Spec scales better with gear and rewards skill even more.

The class needs to know what our abilities and trees look like before we can give real feedback on the new stuff.