We can tank in Murloc Pajamas now... so when can we get all armor restrictions lifted?

One of the things I was not a fan of in FFXIV is that I could join a group with a tank that was dressed up like they were the Los Pollos Hermanos mascot in a full chicken costume, and it was so common for someone in any raid to be wearing some absurd get-up like this that I just kinda assumed this was a FFXIV thing and sucked some mild copium.

Anyway, while immersion breaking is a bit of a meme (even though it does exist and I think the widespread availability of this ridiculous get-up definately broke some previously unbroken ceiling for it), let’s just settle on my point being this: Clanking around as a Warlock in transmog plate is a bridge too far… but a Warrior can tank in Murloc Pajamas? With something like this in the game, do not tell me it makes sense to keep armor restrictions in Transmog.


Yeah, keep the class stuff locked whatever but the armor restrictions on mog make 0 sense now.


I will never be for this concept


Then you never have to partake in it. Let other’s have their fun.


unpopular opinion
instead of taking the nuclear option and removing restrictions, fix the mogs that don’t have restrictions.

please form an orderly line to take turns booing and throwing tomatoes at me.

Yes I do, any group I join will be looking ridiculous. Pointing out exceptions does not change the rule.

I agree. We need to unlock everything. Armor, races, classes, factions, transmogs, etc.

After all, if I can play as Hulk Hogan… then why not?


Again, don’t partake. You will survive others having fun dressing however they want. You already can have an orc in a dress tanking. Or a tauren in a bikini. It’s time has come. Remove the restrictions outside of class sets.


Doing away with armor type restrictions probably happens next.

Or class restrictions. T3 hasn’t required class since mop.

Again, that doesn’t matter. I will have to look at a bunch of classes that don’t make any sense. It’s not like that today. The time will never come.

See, now this is how you break immersion in all the right ways.

I’m still not too sure on my feelings but it could help reduce armor and weapon work on the team. :robot::thought_balloon:

You’d have to be crazy to want to tank while wearing murloc pajamas

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Would love to see this, especially since it would help reduce some of the sting of not being able to play my desired race/class combo. Now really, I’d like to even see class armor restrictions removed… but I know that’s asking for a bit more than most people would be comfortable with. But really, given that most class armor has off-set versions available nowadays anyway, I don’t think it’d be a huge stretch.


Also like this…


Thing is, we already have off-set pieces and I can look like a different class already. They also lifted restrictions on the Trading Post class “sets.”

I think we’re moving towards “no class restrictions” already. So I wouldn’t mind going the whole way and removing armor type restrictions either.

This definitely isn’t a Death Knight, but this is the entire off-set from Mythic Nighthold.


That… is pretty damn cool, even if it’s like a rogue or a monk - what class is that?

Hey. Just remember, the feet on those feeties have terrible grip. I’d suggest you cut them off just below the rubber band.

Fury Warrior. The armor type is still locked to class, but the tier off-set isn’t.

Uh that’s AWESOME, whatchu smokin?

You should get off that copium, it’s not good for you.

Also maybe realize that you playin videogames n not take it so seriously lol

Even the WC games, WoW included, are pretty silly.