They banned key-cloners. If they found other methods to do it, its fine.
Personally i couldn’t care less if people want to dual-box or even 5box in an inefficient manner, as long as the flocks of 20-30 Druids are gone.
This is a new, and interesting topic. Guess the scroll wheel on that mouse is broke, or you could of just bumped one of the other spammed threads
You can have 2 computers, buy a box that Amazon sells for 35 bucks. connect cables from the box to both mouse and keyboard ports in each computer. Plug your mouse and keyboard into the front of the box.
Have 2 different WoW accounts one on each machine and you have a multibox system that is compliant with the TOS.
no software needed
I am doing this and it works.
That says nothing about banning multiboxers.
Report them and move on. Your vigilante antics of ‘scouting’ will get you only frustration and there are better things to do in WoW
they just pretend to do it manually or use a hardware solution like a special KVM or something
sadly they didnt take a solid enough stance on this.
wonder why?
Report them and see what happens.
Because as they clearly stated their goal wasn’t to ban multiboxing but the software being used to automate botting itself.
Read again closer… Broadcasting software. There are hardware ways to multibox.
OPs reading comprehension is in a class of its own
Blizzard never said that. Why are you lying?
Blizzard said they do NOT ban multi-boxers. It’s legal in this game.
they also banned chinease gold farmers…
Software is banned not people me thinks…
they didn’t ban multiboxing just input automation. Whered you think they said they banned multiboxers?
Finishing of leveling a shadow priest in Dreanor and came across what is probably the same multiboxer twice on oceanic servers with I don’t know how many druids so he’s got to be using the software but he hasn’t been banned.
And as a programmer i know that blizzard would have the tools to tell that he was multiboxing to an extent that is impossible with anything other input broadcasting. He should be flat out banned on the spot.
You must have preschool level reading, and comprehension skills, they can’t ban hardware, or you couldn’t play either. Can you PLEASE clarify a few things regarding multiboxing - #14 by Vrakthris