We are winning too much honor points per BG

ay chill its just a game lol

I’m all for blizzard and andy hate, but this is over the line


Please revert the change this is absurd. Unsubbing

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You do realize that threatening to “go to someone’s home” is a criminal offense, right?

That is way over the line.

Kaivax you should be completely embarrassed… you literally took some random guys word on this and completely destroyed all of the fun about this pre patch. Blizzard you should also be embarrassed… you screwed the launch of this and now you ruin honor and ruin the thing i think 95% of people were looking forward to… and you still have yet to come out and say anything about it… are we going to just get nothing from you on this?!


You Karens also know that there is no way the guy knows where the other idiot’s mom’s house is so he has no way to find the basement and attack him. Calm down you sissies.

I like how you post videos with t4 shoulders on a private server and Blizzard ruins the game.


First off, I am stunned someone created a post complaining there’s too much honor. Obviously he didn’t work, got to run 100 battlegrounds and no longer needs honor or definitely didn’t work and got rank 14 from the get go.

I really hope you removed the extra honor they earned just so I don’t feel sick that I worked later yesterday and couldn’t play. Of course that’d be unfair to do as well. So I won’t make a case either or on that matter, at least remove it on those that seem to want it reduced (i.e. that tattletale in the front of the class in 3rd grade). Your “hotfix” seems to be over correcting as if its assuming everyone got to collect 15k honor on day 1. My math may not be exact as I am logging into the game now to try to earn a couple pieces and haven’t run bgs yet but from talking to guildies and others this is what seems to be the case right now.

Each win seems to earn about 200 honor but r14 items cost 8415 honor each up to 13770 honor, that’s 43 - 69 wins to earn one r14 epic item. Remember, you don’t always win, sometimes never unless your in a premade. I think its at most 50 honor a loss. So then its 169 - 276 losses. You also earn badges that are required too but doesn’t even matter anymore since your going to have way more than enough of those by the time you get the honor for one piece. Your going to have to throw them away at 100 cap when your grinding for the r14 gear.

While this might seem like a decent standard on a normal basis, remember this is a 2 week pre-patch. Even if the gear is accessible after, the honor resets, etc and your replacing gear at some point in your leveling. This is unfarmable even to get one piece. I’m throwing up at the thought of running 43 to 169 bgs for one piece. This decision almost makes sense for blizzard though… they destroyed shadowlands, why stop there?

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Silence, white-knight. Your comment isn’t helpful at all.

This guy should be banned. Why would you even post this?

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Asmongold is currently showing that Blizzard fix is accurate.

With his own screenshot from TBC pre patch.

Maybe you can truste him at least. It’s a good boy.
I didn’t lied or tried to ruin the game experience. I just reported a bug.

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well congratz I guess you managed to only hurt new people doing this, so glad that this could get fixed over BG’s randomly kicking people or skills not working.
not really a big deal for people like me in naxx gear but im sure those new people you advertised BC for really appreciate it blizz :slight_smile:

Farming the rest of the honor I needed for weapon. Sadly I didn’t keep going after getting the wep though… >_>

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You mean the guy that ridiculed you specifically at the start of his stream for being an “uhm, akshually, you forgot to collect our homework today” teacher’s pet caricature?

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Bro, just stop

If that how peoole see me for reporting a damn bug what can i do about it ?

It’s still a good guy.

So going off my averages up to now and knocking those down to my post-nerf rates, I will need to PvP about 9 hours a day, every single day until TBC launches to just be able to afford the 2H, and no other gear.

Epic bro


the best part is you were too much of a coward to post on your Classic main when you made this thread so all the new people who are the only people effected by this really can’t go after you in BC once we all cross the dark portal. I mean I fully expected this to be changed AFTER pre-patch but boy thank God we have people like you, now I don’t have to worry about any of the boosters or fresh 60s trying to gank me in t0 blues or greens


Do you see what happens andy? Do you see what happens when you f a stranger in the a?
Do you see what happens? This is what happens andy when you f a stranger in the a


I guess Blizzard wants us to quit WoW. 13 day pre-patch x 10x honor nerf after the sweaties scored big = why bother with this game?

It was the same deal right after Classic released… a bunch of people exploited the xp gains from 6-man dungeon groups; by the time the masses started to become aware it was nerfed, and all of the sweaty players that kept it to themselves were 60 way ahead of the normies.

There really is no reason to play a game when Blizzard doesn’t care about the majority of its players. You need to buff pre-patch honor gains, Blizzard.