We are winning too much honor points per BG

10x nerf is insane. like we have 2 weeks to get some gear, it went from a manageable grind to now we have to grind for the whole 2 weeks just to get some gear we are going to be replacing within 1 or 2 days into launch. Thanks blizz, also thx for fixing the DC issues from BGs :upside_down_face:

Thank you for killing PvP for the next 2 weeks


Why would u even say this lol

Snitches get stiches.

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yes nerf the honor we can’t get cause your bg servers literally can’t stay open long enough to get it.


I was getting 1.5k honor from losing AV. Just played one and got 200 honor from a lost and got booted the next game.

I log’d for the night. I’m so pissed.


boo fun police

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So I played Arathi Basin for around 8-9 Hours today as primarily solo queue.

I made 30k Honor.

This means, moving forward, with the 12 days left of prepatch I would have to play 8-9 Hours a day earning 3k honor during that time to afford one two handed weapons.

With all due respect, Blizzard, when this was originally tuned you gave us 5 weeks to fight for gear. You just shot everyone in the foot, and its the weirdest insult to players ive seen you “correct” so far, and thats saying something.

Good thing you changed it after people all paid for their boosts, I guess.


Of course, hundreds of bug. My class is bugged, I cant even join a BG without my queue randomly disappearing and then when I finally get into a BG I just get randomly kicked 10 minutes in.

None of those are fixed but people getting too much honor is fixed as fast as possible.

I expect all my lost marks in the mail then.

What a complete joke.


What I don’t understand is why the Honor was patched with such urgency, we’re only getting 2 weeks of Prepatch - not the 6 weeks that we were given the first time around.

Look what you’ve done, Snitch.

Ruined it all for everyone, GRAB YER PITCHFORKS!!!


Easier? Maybe a little. Its more fun at 70 though, thats for sure.

hurr durr it is when thats how it was IN TBC

Nerf Honor gains during pre-patch while the BGs are crashes left and right which you receive no honor or marks for your time??? stupid

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Look like next time i’ll refrain myself to report a bug.

Didn’t expect to bring so much hate…


Welp there goes a reason to do PvP in prepatch, Absolutely cancer now.


Change it back!


We can’t even finish a whole BG to begin with, and this dude is talking about a “a bug is a bug”.


Boost and mount is fine change, gaining more honor is not AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA XDDDDDDD


Who asked you?

Bro you knew this post would make you the most hated person in WoW history, that’s why you post it from a lvl 10


why would u even bring it up , what was ur intention behind this post lol