To bring back the MoP catch up system and WoD PvP gearing. Quit being so reluctant on bringing these systems back. You had two amazing systems, scrapped them, and then gave us dollar store versions of these systems.
Remember how fast you could catch up on rep in MoP? Remember how PvP gear worked in WoD? Pepperidge Farm remembers. These two systems alone helped new players and alts immensely and not bringing these back is a huge disservice.
Don’t be like Creed where they took all of the bad things from Pearl Jam and none of the good. Don’t give us Limp Bizkit quality content. Bring these systems back to their full glory.
Hello, I see you replied to the thread. We already know why, all you have to do is look at, well, pretty much every forum there is! Trying to speak on a reason why is pointless when it has all been said over and over and over again already!
The double rep commendations were the best things for reputations. I can’t imagine why Blizz ever stopped using those, but they really should come back! And be added to past expansions too.
Still keeps the grind and work involved, but it’s so much faster and more alt friendly. It’s a simple answer and a really helpful one. Especially given how lengthy a lot of the modern day reps are.
I see you cant really understand criticism.
And the response is the why.
I see no actual reason to heed your words based on emotional appeal I dont share.
If you want people from different opinions of yours to understand your plea, you need to make it based on reasons one can relate, or at least understand.
You just say “remember this”, “Remember that”, “Dont be like this”, “Dont be like that”, but you actually dont say what should it mean to remember that, or what should someone want “not being like that”.
Your words seem to assume everyone would like what you saying to remember, or wouldnt want to be like the one you mention. But there is no reason as to why would that be.
Do you participate in pvp? A reason to bring back actual WoD gearing is that massive gear differentials don’t feel good in a competitive game mode, especially if you try to play multiple characters.
Player versus environment players complained they had to pvp for gear. Then Legion happened and Raid gear had been the best for wpvp since then and pvp quality fell abysmally since then.
I joined at the end of MoP and didn’t reach max level until sometime in WoD. But I’ll trust you on this, because you want the WoD PvP gearing system back, and that’s the only thing that will bring back players to the game now.
Not in WoD. Conquest gear was really only good enough for normal raiding. Their complaint was that people who didn’t deserve to get into raiding, ie casual PvPers, should have to start at the bottom and work their way up with PvE gear.
oh im dumb and misread that. Yeah i remember doing tannan jungle was a waste of time when you could just do pvp for 700ilvl gear.
I’m pretty sure the vast majority of pvpers wouldn’t care if honor gear was reduced to 200ilvl (or lower) as long as it was 2nd best in pvp, just below current season conquest gear.
Keep in mind that the difference between honor gear and conquest gear in wod was 10 ilvls. That would be comparable to a 3 ilvl difference with today’s scaling.
Genuinely, I can understand criticism. You offered none, hence you got the response I gave you. I know there are a lot of new players out there. I know there are plenty that missed out on MoP. I reiterate what a lot of players have been wanting to see back for a good reason. Both systems made the game more accessible to all. You didn’t feel punished for playing an alt. I will always support, albeit in not always the best ways, for such things.
Yes for some reason they wanted those players to have to grind out all the dungeons before them and not use there own pvp gear. Which was a bit weird imo. This game is non-stop grinds and I am sort of sick of it. We have enough experience to enjoy the game sometimes, having to do heroics on all toons for pve is funny. It’s nice when you feel it though. I would enjoy playing many different specs in pvp and that was nice for a time.
Now you have to do rated content, they tie a number to you and that number limits upgrades. Not a fun system if you don’t enjoy competitive game modes.
I believe 1ilvl is roughly a 1% stat difference and has been for a very long time (at least that’s what ion has said in interviews). So the ilvl difference would be the same.