We are not getting them

We are still in the early throes of alpha. We have barely seen class changes and reworks. They are still not even done with race customizations. We could see new class race options. We have a long road to Q4 for release.

Shadow Priests need a complete reworking and they’ve done 0 changes for them. So there’s still time. Same goes for paladins. Don’t be so gloom and doom until we are a month out from release. Then you can say the sky is falling.

It’s funny, when I first heard about void elves and nightborne becoming playable races I groaned, since I felt that the game really didn’t need more elves. Further, I wasn’t entirely sold on the idea of the rendorei as a people.

But over the two years since their release, I’ve had time to mull it over and come to respect the decision to add them; It gave the alliance another elf race that was technically still high elf (though the origin really shouldn’t have been tied to the sindorei imho) and with a much more flavorful idea then the vanilla elves.

Further, giving them access to a broader set of skin tones actually pleases a portion of the pro-helfer base who were asking for this as a compromise.

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