We are not getting them

if it looks like a high elf smells like a high elf and has blue eyes like a high elf its definitely a troll

Dark like the night?

That only happened because we did a MASSIVE unsub riot and they got scared and decided to give it back, no one did a massive unsub riot for high elves.

Lol now look who is nit-picking. He still has elf blood in his veins.

Different skin tone doesnā€™t make them any less void-infused either, it just makes them have different skin tone while still being the same old void elf.

Blue eyes does not a high elf make.

I disagree. Blizzard should have given high elves and now they have a faction problem. I believe the new customization options are an attempt to combat the imbalance.

He is Paladin because of his human half

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Arator is a half-elf and the son of Turalyon, and was raised among humans, not elves.

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Oh so now you need qualifiers? That wasnā€™t the original statement. It was ā€œThere are no High Elf Paladinsā€ when that is false. Arator is a High Elf/Human. Just because heā€™s part human doesnā€™t make him less High Elf.

Human blood =/= paladin status. Paladin status = Ability to wield the Light and training.

I was born in Silvermoon. I grew up in Silvermoon. I served in the Farstriders for decades.

I am a High Elf. Being painted blue does not change that.

If this was a drinking game weā€™d all be dead.



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Lol, it does. It makes him 50% less high elf.

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Itā€™s not about the color of your skin friend. Itā€™s how you feel on the inside.

Besides High Elves have always been Rangers/Mages

Try the ā€œRoxanneā€ drinking game. Listen to the song, and take a drink every time he says Roxanne. If you wanna get crazy, do the live version. There is a part where he just says it over and over. Iā€™ve not beaten that one yet, lol.

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Elves were, are, and forever will be a mistake.

Says the space goat.

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Yes, and?
I fail to see your point.

There is no win win when it comes to making everyone happy . Unless Blizzard create a wish list for everyone .

Hell weā€™d all need an Oniā€™s liver to survive.

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