We don’t get a new DF raid after the dream patch. We are kind of at the end of DF.
LMAO is the duck mount going to waddle on the ground? It would look awkward af. I’m sold!
welcome to the cult of the duck dragonriders.
I think they haven’t made any dragon-riding animation for that kind of skeletons but knows?
literally unplayable
Make it a mecha duck with mecha duck feet and I’m gamed.
I would also like to know where is our duck mount?? Too much dev resources went into pally. “Where is my duck mount” should be a rallying crry amongst all WoW players.
We’ve got a “fated” raid season coming in 10.3. The last fated raid season rewarded a very unique mount, the slimesaber.
Your duck is coming, friend.
In 10.3
and imagine if we can get a Duck Mount as a Paladin steed, too!
so slime duck?
We will probably get a new rooster mount next year.
I don’t think duck mounts make sense, OP. They are no ducks large enough that can carry us, lore wise.
No… I don’t want to raid to get a Duckie mount
Agreed. It should be pvp; vicious war duck.
2024 is the year of the Rooster. Maybe we can get our hands on a Duck mount with the Rooster mount next year?
It should be an elite gladiator’s mount. Elite gladiator’s mounts are flying mounts. Vicious mounts are ground mounts.
I just want a normal tame non-vicious duck mount
Redundant. All ducks are vicious.
Another day, another day without a duck mount in wow goes by