We are at the end of DF, but where is our duck mount?

We need a Duck Drake mounts to dragon ride in the dragon isles, Blizz. You’ve introduced duck in wow and you used Ohnaran eagle skeleton for the ducks. It means it can run and fly like the mount.

So, where is our flying duck mounts, Blizz? Don’t dangle the proverbial carrot and not give it to us. We NEED a duck mount as a closure for DF!


We are at the end of DF

I’m pretty sure DF has like almost another year?


The next expansion is going to be released next autumn, so no, we have less than a year. I would be really angry if we get the duck mount as a fated raid mount cause I couldn’t give a damn about raiding lol.

Oh, I would love a duck mount!


Duck mount is just to silly. It’s not going to happen, bud. :frowning:

It better quack its damned head off when you hit space. In that case I will have a new mount to terrorize the crowd with. Currently it’s the tree throwing pine cones everywhere. I started a social contagion of people triggering the tree at one of the diablo treasure goblin sites, it was glorious.

And before you shame, we put them all away right as the event started. We may be annoying but we’re responsible people.


Drake is a male duck, and a drake is a type of dragon, which is the theme for this expansion. I’m surprised we haven’t gotten a duck mount that can be used as a dragonriding mount yet.


Quack Quack MOFOs?


I think I may have just discovered what would get me to like dragon riding.


Agreed - duck mount now please bliz

We MUST have duck mounts! :duck: :duck: :duck: The players demand it!

I want to soar with dragonriding, but on a giant duck! :duck: :duck: :duck:

And I want both a regular duck mount and a giant mechanical duck mount, too!

/moo :cow:


the best blizz can do is a duck float toy that you can ride for 2 minutes, 4 hrs cd.


Pre-Order states by 12/31/24 so… could easily be an entire year.

and we all know blizz needs to release the duck mount faster so we can enjoy riding on our ducks like a whole year before warthin is released, then

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THere is still the fated season so it could be the reward for that.

making it as a fated season reward is the worst idea ever. I rather we got it as a trading post task completion reward or from a quest chain.


We still have a season 4.

itll come in

counter point. We should had gotten duck mounts last season.

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Blizz is saving it for the time limited Fated Raid completion reward for DF Season 4 it will be called Hughtron Sr. and be a green goo duck drake :^)