We already have Solo Queue

Is this another stupid bloomsday clone?

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damn are you this dense in the brain?

anyone arguing with your assessment is not worth debating with.

0/10 we need ranked SoloQ that provides gear, titles, mounts

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At least people would be able to play a game they pay for lmfaoooo

Friends are overrated, skirms and bgs are not rated. Give us rated soloqueue.

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IMO people will try harder in a rated setting and more likely than not youā€™ll find someone that thinks like you and synergizes really well with you and you two can go into 2v2 or 3v3 brackets. Let me tell you this, thereā€™s no reason not to add SoloQ. If you donā€™t like it simply donā€™t play it

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I will be totally honest and let you know I only read like the first 2 sentences, but random bgā€™s should take the place of RBGā€™s and be the solo Q option for this game imo. The LFG tool just needs to be massively improved for arena. If you could set rating filters, see stuff about applicants, queue stuff, look through listings while also being listed, etc. it would be fine to make your own arena groups.