We’re <boolin> baby! - area52 - 1/10 M - 2 Day

Boolin is recruiting for Castle Nathria currently 10/10 Heroic and 1/10 Mythic

Boolin was founded on the back of like-minded players who wanted to push content with each other. The foundation of our team are raiders of a similar mindset pushing Cutting Edge in Shadowlands. We raid Tuesday and Wednesday from 8EST to 11EST with an optional raid taking place on Saturday Evening. We have an active discord with many members online always running keys.

Our updated recruitment needs:

Ranged DPS:

All exceptional applicants feel free to apply!

Guild Leader’s Bnet: Nexerus#1964
Raid Leader’s Bnet: Jovaye#1733

Thanks for taking the time to read the post, we’ll see you around!

Hi, We’re Cool and Absolutely ready for Shadownlands.

Come hang out with us Kings

We are still cool and really neat

Im cool, but not enough to Freeze

Looking for some stylin’ healers

Someone keep me alive in raid :slight_smile:

No way Neebz

ill pad my damage taken for healer parse

Come Bool with us

Can’t ever have enough Mages Boolin’

Level with us this week!

Come hang out by the campfire and show off your hello kitty Pajama pants!

Bump for big boolers

LF tanks for Mythic Dungeons, we’re trying to hit them keys hard on content launch :slight_smile:

Need a large DK

Pogchamp :slight_smile:

check us out

Where’s all my boomie bros at?

need a beefy owl boy

Still looking for beefy boiis