[WCP|A-RP] Seasonal Showcase | Complete

The Community Showcase is tonight, beginning at 5:00pm (server)! I look forward to seeing you all there!

We are still accepting last minute sign ups for stalls. If you, a friend, or a group of people wish to host a unique holiday-themed stall, please sign up using this template!

> <div align="center"><strong>STALL NAME</strong>
> || |  |
> | :-- | :-: | --: |
> | **Stall Type:** | *Vendor, Entertainment, Services - etc* |
> | **Stall Host:** | *Who will operate the stall?* |
> | **Stall #:** | *Stall # You'd like to request (See map)* |
> | **Stall Description:** | *Tell us what your stall is all about!*|</div>
Fabulous Fun
Stall Type: Vendor, Entertainment
Stall Host: Kahleem the Fabulous
Stall #: 1
Stall Description: Kahleem is willing to part with some of his bauble collection and pets from his menagerie for the sake of charity. Also, there is a magical storytime segment prepared!

( [sweats nervously] Iā€™ve never hosted a stall before at an event, but I would like to give it a shot, if thatā€™s okay! As for the timing on the story, I can perform it at whatever time would be suitable.)


Stall hosts have free-reign to organize their stalls as they see fit. You can conduct your performance at the time that is most convenient to you. My only recommendation is that when you are ready to host that performance, you announce it via /yell during the event.


Thank you very much! Iā€™m excited for the event!

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Huge thanks to everyone who joined us tonight for the Seasonal Showcase. It was such a delight to meet so many new faces and see old friends as well! We hope you all had a wonderful night, and had the opportunity to enjoy some relaxing and fun roleplay. We look forward to seeing you all at future community events!

:reminder_ribbon: Event Photos


Thank you everyone for coming out tonight to visit us and making this a living, breathing city! I hope we do so many more things together! \o/


These shots are so cute! And I spy myself in them!

This was a fun event! I look forward to the next one.