Has anyone played this? Im looking for a non biased review / opinion
I played countless hours of Reign and TFT back then… Although, I have to mention that I really suck at RTS but always enjoyed campaigns. Do you think this game is worth the 40$.
Also, i never ended up buying the SC2 Protoss expansion, unfortunately cannot buy that separately anymore.
SC2 Legacy of the void vs WC3 reforged, what do you guys think?
Is it worth $40?
No. Not at all. However its not “bad” by any means. There’s a few fresh elements they added to some missions that are interesting. Like Stratholme and Silvermoon being more like WoW. Otherwise its just a straight up graphics overhaul, which personally I don’t think it worth the pricetag because its not that impressive. I would suggest waiting for a sale before you buy. Otherwise I think LotV is a better experience.
Thank you for the reply Azy, pretty much what I expected.
What a let down coming from the anticipation of the Blizzcon announcement.