Way to go Blizzard, you still managed to screw up something good

I don’t know. Maybe a virus has struck the country and their workstreams have been impacted. Hopefully you’ll survive this terrible setback.


I logged into my “main” warrior, who has 1 rank 4 essence and 3 rank 3 essences. The only thing I did was kill the spawn in Mardivas’ Lab. I did not see any Echose of Ny’alotha being awarded for WQs. Then I logged into my most advanced alt, who has 3 rank 3 essences. I noticed WQs were awarding Echoes of Ny’alotha, so I looked around on the internet. I did the minor assault in Pandaria and got Echoes in my cache. I logged back into my warrior and still wasn’t seeing Echoes awarded for WQs, but went ahead and did the minor assault and got no Echoes from the cache. For all the people asking “why didn’t you read?” … what exactly did reading do for me? I did everything correctly and it’s still bugged.

Quick follow-up: I logged into 2 alts, neither of which have a rank 3 essence and those characters have Echoes awarded for WQs. :roll_eyes:

You make me laugh and show the problem when you call playing a game “work”.

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This is something that should have been tested months or at least weeks ago to be rolled out today. Do you think they program the game on the fly?


Hey! I’m a log into my bank/AH alt first kinda guy. I wanna count the gold first and mail it to my main.

No. do you think a tantrum is the best use of anyones energy right now child?

The login is a pain but not the issue. If you happen to have generally similar characters you cant earn the currency. So you reward those with only mains (their alts can earn currency. If you do not have a unique essence at 3 outside of your main it cant earn and if your only 3 (or 4) on your main is also on your alts you cant earn currency. Basically I have grind a unique 3 on an alt and on my main to get currency on most of my alts (and my main). Just stupid. Give currency PERIOD.

This was such a gentle backhand. I love it.

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Its almost comical how out of touch the developers are with their own player base.

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Ill be honest, while there were breaking news warnings both on the Launcher and at Character Select I didn’t pay attention to either. They are always used for the most mundane of things like

“Regularly Scheduled Maintenance is happening at Regularly Scheduled times!”

So I honestly never pay it any heed. So I just missed out on a M+14 chest of Echoes and a PvP chest of Echoes and honestly its taken the wind out of my sails. Its a very defeating feeling, does not make me want to play when all that hard work I put in was thrown out the window.

I get it, I get that its my fault for not paying attention but I mean… the Breaking News window rarely has anything of major importance like that. Its always used for the most mundane and regular things.

Really takes the joy out of today, I am just sitting in Boralus Harbor now with no drive to play today.

They already have a pinned notification when you open tickets basically saying they will not be able to give anyone opening tickets any Echoes.

Which, honestly, how could they NOT know that this setup was going to create issues? How could they NOT have thought to maybe do something to better communicate it in game with a warning or something?

In the grand scheme of things, yeah 1 week isn’t going to ruin everything but it is enough to make me not want to play. Heck, I am spending my time making this post instead of playing the game just because I am frustrated.

I don’t know, I might just play something else today. Friend just got me City Skylines, might do that. Doesn’t help this is a cruddy week for M+ as well with the affixes we have. Idk, Blizzard could have implemented this better I feel, I refuse to believe they didn’t realize there would be issues.


Man, I loooovvvvvveee me some City Skylines. Make sure to download plenty of mods if you are on PC. Big ones to get are Move It and Traffic Manager.

They made a huge mistake, found out by players, THEN put a post out warning people.

They stuffed up hardcore and wont admit fault. Its gross. People will unsub due to this do not doubt that for a second.

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Yeah, I watch a lot of “Biffa” and am going to be getting some traffic mods and other’s he suggests :smiley: I was a big fan of Sim City and I have heard a lot of good things about City Skylines.

Honestly also been considering re-upping my ESO for a bit, taking a bit of a break from WoW for a bit. My sub ends April 17th, not sure if I want to hold off on re-subbing for a bit and play some other games while waiting on Shadowlands or what.

A lot of things have been bumming me out playing WoW lately.

I am at the point where I am about ready to give up trying to get my 5 million gold before Shadowlands, I refuse to believe I can make it in time and it just feels fruitless, I just can’t compete with the Auction House Guild on my server group, they have the AH on lockdown.

Then there is this situation which took all the excitement out of my day in an instant. Not to mention the fact that they won’t be doing anything to correct this even though, by this point, Blizzard should know how situations like this go down and have done something different/been proactive for their players in dealing with this.

Then there is how horrible Corruption is. I got bad corruption pieces in my chests today and in PvE and PvP the right corruption is king, without it the game just feels bad with how much of an impact the right corruption has.

Idk. All the issues are certainly not making me want to play WoW right now and today just feels like a strong push that maybe I need to take a break for a bit.

I guess there is also always Classic WoW.

Idk, just rambling my feelings on everything I guess haha XD

God this is one of the things I TRULY despise about Blizzard lately… I am getting so sick and tired of every time they mess up they instead push it onto players.

Warcraft III Reforged? “We are sorry you didn’t get the game you expected.”

Echoes in WoW? You should have logged into your main character first, we wont be doing anything about this.”

Its becoming a disgusting trend lately of just either refusing to communicate or refusing to take responsibility or even stop to think these systems out.

Ehhhhh… I am not so sure on that one. I mean, I say that as I literally just said I am thinking about taking a break haha, but I don’t think it will be a mass exodus or anything.


Not a mass exodus but this late in the xpack i think this is thr nail for a lot of peoples coffins until shadow lands. Blizz just dun goofed too many times and i beleive ppl are already getting tired of BFA, this incident is just another push

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Yeah, sure feels like that for me at least haha. I will give ya that one for sure.

Yeah. I gave it a fair shot until after 8.2. I know a lot of people on the forums were hating on it since day 1 but I gave BFA an honest to god fair shot and defended it until we saw how it progressed. Now, at the very end of BFA, when all is said and done and knowing we don’t have an 8.3.5 coming I have to say BFA was bad.

I still think its better than WoD solely on the fact that it wasn’t cut short in a sloppy fashion like WoD was but man… BFA is just not fun for me. I am burnt out honestly.

And that is not to say that BFA didn’t have good things, I liked Mechagon quite a lot and really enjoy the theming and some of the story elements but as a game its just burning me out gameplay wise. I am tired of all the new systems instead of having proper character advancement. I am tired of all the gimmicks being tacked onto gear. I am tired of all the micromanaging and chore like content with no end to anything as it infinitely progresses for ever and ever.

Its just exhausting and feels so anti-player at times.

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I mean, it kinda makes sense that this would need to happen. It is a new system and needs to be updated. Sorry that you don’t have any knowledge of computer systems.

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Sadly they don’t even read the tickets at this point and just mark them as resolved.

Wont stop me from copy and pasting one every time I log in. And with bnet down looks like Ill have to log in a lot.

I expect to see them continue to make mistakes like this that, what a coincidence, will result in players playing more hours. Amazing how such coincidences happen to the most committed of players who can be expected to work extra to make up for lack of quality control and lack of communication that borders on contempt.

It sounds like you’re the one who has no knowledge of how these things work. Informing players after reset that they would have to do this should not be how any company works. Unfortunately we’ve come to expect things like this from blizzard.

When you’re making lame excuses for routine mishandling of customer accounts, YOU are a big part of the problem.

Remember guys, in Legion there was an irregularity and everybody got 1000 wakening essences in their m+ chest, whether they had run a dungeon the previous week or not. There was no “too bad you didn’t read the warning we gave you after it was too late”.


Echos of Nyalotha made me realize that 90% of the essences are easier just to flat out grind… maybe that was their point in doing this.

This is cute. The simple fact that so many people are having an issue with this is all the proof you need that this was a poorly executed implementation of a new system. I have a lot of knowledge of computer systems and none of that matters here. There was absolutely no reason to not simply unlock this new currency to every 120 character with the essence system unlocked. That’s it. That’s all they needed to do. Instead they did some a**-backwards thing where you needed to log onto a character that had a rank 3 essence that your current character still needed in order to just unlock the ability to get the new currency. Why? Why do that? There would be no harm to just unlock the currency on every character that had the essence system unlocked. They’ve already added currencies in the past. Clearly there’s no limitation to simply unlocking a currency automatically. Blizzard failed and instead of doing the right thing they are just saying “too bad”.