Guild & Server: Mal’Ganis
Raid Times/Days: Tuesday/Thursday 8:00PM-12:00AM CST with Optional on Monday
Current Progression: 10/10M CN 1/10M 7/10H SoD
Recruitment Contacts: Discord Vitalian#4229
Requirements: Previous Mythic/CE experience, come prepared to raids with full fight knowledge, up to date with class information, consistent performance, good attitude, no drama or toxicity
Needs: Exceptional Healer (HPal, Disc, Rdruid, MW) Havoc DH, Boomkin! Always considering exceptional players
We pride ourselves on having a fun and laid back raid atmosphere while still expecting top end performance from our raiders to clear content at an above average pace for a guild running on a 2 day schedule. We raid T/Th from 8PM-12AM CST with optional/heroic/sale on Mondays (currently also doing Optional normals on Wednesday and Saturday as well). We are looking to add an exceptional Healer to our roster for 9.1 and on so if it sounds like something you might be interested in dm on Discord for more info!
Discord Vitalian#4229