I imagine there’s a few old Silver Hand players out there who remember when The War Council was not too shabby at this game.
I’ve been gone since 2011, but I just wanted to send a hello to everyone from back then, and an invitation to chat anytime.
Yah I remember the War Council 
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Wow…Nandladin. Used to raid as Solkanar, the mage. You were raid leader I believe during blackwing descent for a short time before Radz took over when you quit . Then Minatron took over and led a golden age of the War Council for about 5 years before we died during Nighthold.
I actually came on to find some old friends and saw this, which the post is a year and a half old and still on front page.
I left Silverhand when it was dying to join a mega server. Still raiding 16 years later mythic ( which was heroic back in our day ) and getting cutting edge.
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hey guys,
I remember playing in Silverhand! If you remember character “TAR” he used to raid with you guys. That is my dad. he got me into this game hahaha!
stopping by to say Hi to the old friends & if anyone wants to play. message me.
This seems 2 years too late, but I remember your name from vanilla days. Maybe BC. I played on a prot warrior named Softee back then. 
Damn how did I not know servers still had their own forums? This is dead forum though go figure. Naaaand we miss you! Hai Solk!! 
Ooooh, I remember the War Council from my Knights of the Flag and early Alahni lo Andu days, when we were permaflagged! I was (and still am) the pink-haired gnome mage that ran in circles around Horde feet while waiting for the real Alliance PvPers to show up! Starlear was our guild leader back then, so while I was running in circles, I was also on our guild channel yelling, “Help meeeee! I’m going to die again! Help! Help! Help!”
We had a solid team of rogues (thanks to Starlear again), so when they felt like doing some world PvP, they’d sometimes grab me and send me out to go mining around Area 52, when Outlands was the place to be. When the Horde would inevitably attack the apparently clueless gnome, they’d get set on by the 4+ top geared rogues that were shadowing me while I ran for my life. >.<
We mostly didn’t play dirty like that, so we had a lot of Horde friends who would show up for RP, but I don’t remember War Council ever being one of those guilds! When War Council showed up, panic ensued among the Alliance. You guys were good. Really good. /salute
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Damm here I am talking to my best friend of like 20 years. who I work with, we took a trip down memory lane talked about wow and raiding. We were talking about Nand and wondering if TWC was still around. I google Nandladin Wow and first thing that pops up is you. I can’t believe you still play but so do we. We were with you guys from BC to Cata both rogues named
Krollus. Undead
Saryrn. Blood elf
We both still play now, no where near as much but if you are ever on I would love to play or catch up with you!
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