Wave at Sarge!

Oh that’s just too precious!


Oh My Gosh. I just literally looted him, summoned him, after a min or 2 he fell asleep, I looked again and there he goes, summoning a table all by my himself. I then waved and he did it again! He’s so adorable.


I’m pretty sure my cosmic demon man-card will be revoked if I avail myself of that hideous cuteness.

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I so so so want this little guy. As usual the rng gods don’t want me to have him though. Fingers crossed they will be kind to me at some point before the event ends.

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For real, I thought he must be a guaranteed drop since he matches the mount we got a while back and I got him from my first kill. Best of luck to you then.

Why would you show me this? Now I have to actually do the event. Smh

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I am one of “those” hunters who like to match hunter pets, mounts and battle pets for the “complete” look as they say. For the longest time I used 2 purple manasaber hunter pets, the manasaber mount and of course Brightpaws battle pet.

If I can’t find an exact match, then I just color coordinate everything and go with that.

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So one could have both Sarge and Large.

Though only problem is that I’m still a bit put-off by the weird blinking they put on the mount.

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