Wattage running Classic cata roughly?

My computer has 16 gigs of Ram, and AMD ryzen 7 processor, and an NVidia gegorce RTX 3060 graphics card… roughly how much wattage will it use at highest graphic settings? Leveling or running arenas…? any idea?

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Hmm… probably need to consider Power Supply, and cooling system as well here… but my guess would be…

no idea.


I use solar power and a generator when I use more watts then my batteries store for the hours after sunset and while I don’t know the exact wattage I can hear the louder faster sound of my generator as the electric draw increases. I know that when I go from just watching a movie on netflix to going to playing wow there is a significant increase in wattage as my generator runs much harder to produce the increase in wattage needed to power my graphics card. Much more than I expected.

thanks guys!!

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Power Consumption:

CPU, idle: 6.79 Watts
CPU, medium load: abt 12 Watts.
CPU, playing WoW at Ultra settings : 15-25 Watts

GPU, idle: 12.5 Watts
GPU, medium load: abt 35 Watts
GPU, playing WoW at Ultra settings :40-88 Watts (depending on game activity)


Probably 100 to 150 watts, lock your framerate to bring the power consumption down I locked mine to 90fps with very good results.

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how do you do that?

I use Radeon chill, I’m sure nvidia has something like it.

It looks like you can do it in game also, go to settings>graphics and scroll down to where it says max foreground fps and pick your number.

The wattage for running it is going to be based on your machine more than the game itself, some people have over 100W just for the RGB, and the higher end systems will use more power to keep the cores cooler even at low usage, its like asking how much gas you need to get across the country without specifying the vehicle or the country.

There’s a little free app called HWinfo64 that will tell you .

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Well, if you unplug your monitor from that 3060 and plug it into your onboard video it will certainly burn a lot less.

Newegg website has a power calculator. You put in the info for your motherboard, graphics card, CPU, RAM, SSD, HDD, etc. and it will tell you the minimum wattage PSU you need for your machine.

If money is an issue you should not under any circumstances play this game.

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What terrible advice… like anyone wants to play WoW as a slideshow at 6 fps.

No advice was offered, only facts.

It shouldnt even touch usage on a RTX 3060. The manufacturer references say max is 170 watts.

I have to pee a lot when i play cata but when im playing dota i dont have to pee that much…
Hopefully this helps! Have good day

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