I’m trying to complete the Waterworks delve on my evoker and I just can’t do it. I have one life left. I usually play dev but switched to pres thinking it would be easier, but I’m just not that familiar with the spec or the class. I’m 609 trying an 8.
Are there any tips? Which heal spam should I be using to stay alive while he’s chasing me around the room (he will not get off me)?
Yeah, switch back to dev evoker and scalecommander. Get the talents to get 2 hovers and the talent to keep deep breath as a 1 min CD. Boom, you chain it correctly and you are hovering and dpsing while moving for majority of the fight.
Put one candle outside the other candle circle for more room. Leave the poison area zones and when he starts to channel the fire, go into the posion to decrease damage of the fire.
Keep blazing embrace up on CD.
Have bran as a healer.
Never died to him on my evoker at 600 Ilvl.
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