Water Strider

It’s a stupid point, if that’s why they’re doing it.

Imagine: You have a house. Lots of windows. 2 Doors.

You can turn ALL the windows into doors! WOO! No more stuck with those ugly two doors anymore. So liberating.

Or, if you live in a noisy neighborhood, Better Window Soundproofing!

Or, if you live in a HOT place, you can choose Great Tinting! Keep your place cool and that summer sun out!

But if you choose sound proofing or tinting… BOTH your doors get turn into windows that are hard to go through. Sorry about that.

THAT’S what this feels like. It’s just stupid.


Yup. This would have been a perfect solution. I think someone mentioned in the mega-thread that GW2 does something like that. Families for mounts similar to what we have for pet battles but with a specific attribute assigned to it. Water walking, increased speed, anti-daze, etc.


I think it’s hilarious that the waterstrider nerf completely dominates any discussion about mount equipment. I’m almost certain I wouldn’t even know mount gear was being added to the game if people weren’t constantly complaining about the one thing it was taking away.

You would have thought Blizzard would have taken notice by now, but they are bent on their crusade to remove water-walking completely, so they are not going to address those who want the strider to retain its passive.


did you do the grind for the Water Strider?
If not, then NO…you dont ‘deserve’ the mount.
And no one is saying YOU cant have WWing.
Those of us who DID do the grind for the Strider BECAUSE of its ability dont want it screwed over by this new joke equipment system…EXACTLY as they EXEMPTED the Sky Golem…they COULD have also exempted the Strider…which would have ZERO effect on YOUR mounts or equipment.


Did you do the grind for the mount?
if not, you really dont need to worry about why we’re agitated about being ripped off for the work we did.
I have nearly 60 characters that ARENT going to get the free equipment mailed …meaning I have to PAY FOR WWing that I ALREADY did the grind for TWICE for all of those characters.

Bait and switch.
This crap is a felony if pulled in the real world.


Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, even if it’s wrong and bad.

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They particularly wanted to do this, due to the inordinate amount of people using water striders before we get flying. Every expansion they have taken note of this.

So players suggested the change, on the forums, since the water strider was introduced (for it to be mount equipment, letting you “water walk.” )

Blizzard noticed that everyone used the water striders, which they did not like. They were going to remove their ability to water walk in new expansions, but there was an outcry; So they went with this idea instead.

The best thing players could do would be to continue to use JUST the water strider mount, with water walking. That is part of the reason why Blizzard did this, so people did not use them as much. So this would be the best way to “fight the power.”

Tbh I still don’t get all the Water Strider drama, you can use the mount equipment to get water walking with every mount (including the water strider), doing so would mean that your water strider would continue to have water walking plus all your other mounts also get it.

I guess they could make it so if you choose to ignore mount equipment completely (by not using any) then your water strider keeps its ability, but I doubt anyone would choose that since it just seems like a strictly worse option (1 WW mount vs every mount with WW).

They could have just simply:

  1. Made flying available at the beginning of BFA.
  2. Left the Water Strider as is.
  3. Added Mount equipment for more variety and choices.

Given the choice between SPEED and Water Walking, don’t you think that most will prefer speed?

They could exempt the striders, leaving them at ‘normal speed but with water walking’ and people will stop using them for ground travel in a heartbeat…

but for some reason, no, Blizzard just wants those striders dead.

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So what about the other part of my post?, would you be satisfied if there was an option to completely ignore mount equipment, not equipping it and have everything stay as it is now (water strider only losing its ability if you choose to use mount equipment)?

Second question, would you go for that instead of using the mount equipment?


That’s optional I guess, my point is that I don’t feel we are losing anything, only gaining more options… Players with the water strider might win less than players who don’t have it sure, but I find it hard to complain about something that looks like a net win nevertheless.

No, he did not grind out that mount, however, the attitude of people (and developers) these days is I deserve what you have, even if I don’t work for it.
What they do not realize is it is a very quick way to ruin a game. Just take a look at the reward system this xpac. Those who actually spend time working for stuff are beginning to have the attitude of “it’s not worth the time and effort”.

In previous xpacs my guild would farm heroic raids after getting AOTC because we would want to work on our alt’s gear. However, this xpac, we have completed each raid once for the AOTC and did not bother with alts because there is no point.


Until they remove or limit the water shoe equipment. Then people will have to ask DKs, Shamans, or use water-walking potions.

Wonder how many people will be upset and wish the strider had kept its special ability when that happens.

I would be fine with this. I like my strider and I’m indifferent to water-walking equipment. I’m glad people like it, I just wish they wouldn’t ruin the strider in order to bring the items into the game.

The only people who will be able to walk on water come Tuesday will be those who have Anglers rep. Everyone else will have to wait until people get their professions up and start selling the items.


Either we deny ourselves the new speed option, or

We deny ourselves the convenience of having 1-2 mounts that walk on water without needing to use up extra action bar slots and/or inventory space.

Either way, it costs us something that isn’t made up for by what we get.

It’s not really a “net win”.


I think the mount system, while at first was an interesting idea, turned into something I don’t like to think about.

I really don’t like that they’ve turned all the unique mounts, especially those who had unique abilities into something you simply choose because it “Looks cooler” or something. Don’t get me wrong, I like how everyone has their own favorite mounts, but I think the better idea would’ve been to give more unique abilities to individual mounts instead of leveling all intrigue in truly unique mounts like the water stride to absolutely nothing.


Imagine you have 20 different cars, one of which has 4-wheel-drive, then you get offered: Hey would you want to upgrade all your cars to A) Be 20% faster or B) Have 4-wheel-drive?. Choosing A means your current 4-wheel-drive car loses that feature…

This is still a good deal no matter how you look at it, at worse you can just choose option B and you get a better version of what you already had.

Not gaining something is not the same as losing something… You have never had this option before therefore not getting it isn’t a loss. Worst case scenario you are staying the same as you were in 8.1 with regards to this subject.

So now instead you can have every mount walking on water instead of only 1 or 2, it also won’t take extra action bar slots because, well, every mount has it. Not sure what you mean about the inventory space part either, it’s not like mounts or your active mount equipment take inventory space.

Tbh it just feels like you are comparing the 8.2 changes with some hypothetical 8.2 build where the water strider was handled differently but that’s not a valid point of comparison since that hypothetical build is not real, if you compare it to what’s actually in game it’s a choice between a new option or a better version of what you have now, so that’s a net win.

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I was going to write out a detailed reply pointing out where you’re wrong, but there’s SO much wrong with your post.

Also, you don’t have either strider so you are biased to gain what you haven’t earned.

Anyone without the mount of course is going to agree with this system, you’re getting earned perks for gold, and can be safely disregarded.


Yeah, I did the grind.

But I’m also something of a mount collector. I probably would have done the work even if it never had it’s passive.

Personally I think Blizz has lost so many good dev’s and creative staff that they are in a topsy turvy state right now, no clear leadership with a well thought out objective for the game. its a poop show at head office