Water shadow/reflections bug

The water on any setting above fair has started to have a constant flickering problem. The settings above fair add screen reflections so I imagine it has something to do with this, also setting shadows to low seems to mend the issue for some reason as well. I also disabled multithreaded rendering which also seemed to fix the issue for now. I am unsure what is causing it though, and was not having to do this just before the patch.


Oh good it is not just me. I am having the same issue.


Yeah same results here. I also noticed the horizon on the water is flickering really badly, almost looks like the reflection layer is z-fighting with the main water layer, guessing something in the multi-thread rendering isn’t getting combined correctly after this patch.

im getting this kind of issue too but it only happens with overlay addons enabled. turning them all off and trying them 1 at a time then back off when they would trigger

z-perl, rare scanner, Weakauras addons like them would cause it

Same bug here. I hope they fix

same bug here

Thank you OP, this fixed the issue for me!

funny thing though, the water flickering only happened while Character tab or Mount tab was open for me, when those were closed everything was normal

Anything with a secondary 3D portrait will cause the water to flicker. This can be from custom unit frames with 3D portraits, the character menu, mount menu, talking head window, etc. This is a Blizzard problem to fix. Not something addons are causing.

Turning off “Async Resource Creation” all the way at the bottom of the graphics settings seemed to resolve the issue for me, give that a spin if you haven’t already.

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damnn i thought my gpu were dead jesus thank god i found this
blizzard plz do some work fix it~~~~~~~~~~!