Water Elemental making noise

Every single time I start moving, my Water Elemental makes a “splash” noise. I never noticed it until now… oh my god, how do I make it stop?


Spec fire. :rofl:


I noticed this splash noise when I glyphed my elemental into the Tide Sage color. Now when I revert it, it’s actually stuck in the Tide Sage form…

id like to know as well

If I remember correctly, there is someone you can talk to to turn it off, at least there used to be. Maybe it was a glyph, i’m not sure sorry.

I can tell you there isn’t a glyph to mute the Water Elemental. If you do remember if there’s an NPC for something like this, that’d be cool.

IIRC there used to be an addon, or just simple file editing you could shut him up. Dono if it’s still around or allowed tho, haven’t looked into it in awhile. Might be worth googling a bit. Also might be worth asking CS if it’s okay to mess with sound files a bit to make him stop - was okay before to do but they could be a little wary with file editing.

Yeah… Suffering from the same thing. I submitted a bug report about it. I have been attempting to figure out how to silence the splashing noise myself. It is infuriating.

I fixed it…

Like people have muted sounds for quite some time, I found the files that need to be muted to make the water elemental’s massive splashing noise go away.

make the following folder in your wow installation folder:

As an example:
G:\World of Warcraft\_retail_\Sound\Spells\

Note the underscores around retail

Create an empty .OGG sound file and place 5 copies of it in that folder.

Rename the files to:

Please note that these sound effects are likely used somewhere else in the game and by muting them (by putting your own custom silent sound files in), those things will also be silent… whatever they are.

But at least we won’t be plagued with massively annoying sounds from our water elementals! :smiley:

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I think the reason it has been okay is that you don’t actually modify the sound files. You just use your own sound files and place them in the correct spot so they will load. All official WoW files are untouched.

I noticed it immediately when I applied the Tide Sage glyph. Hoping the Tides recolour is silent. :frowning:

Is this def safe to do? I don’t want to get in trouble :disappointed_relieved: I just want my elemental to stop the glugging sound :frowning:

I think so. I had to dabble into the sound files even for the Unbound Elemental because the “churning water” sound it makes was just so loud.

@Wizzhurd . Look at this!

How to silence a water elemental

Oops, I didn’t see the other post’s instructions. To answer your question, it is fine to modify sound files.

Now, a really cool thing is you can replace those sounds with your own! All you have to do is create a new folder and put the original sound files in it.

Then you find or create your own .ogg sound files. Finally, you name the new sound files the exact same name as the one you are replacing.

Make certain you type exact same syntax including capital letters. Then put the new sound files into the Sounds folder.

Tah dah! You’ve done it!

I have made my water elemental sound like ocean waves and my arcane missiles sound like machine gun fire. The sky is the limit.

However, I should mention, keep your sounds short in length. The game does not like sounds which go on too long.

Have fun!

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@Jobui No. I and a couple people sent inquiries into Blizzard asking if it was okay to modify the game’s sound files.

Blizzard replied and stated they had no issue with players modifying the game’s sound files. The only thing off limits were graphic files.

Using custom sound files does not actually modify the game files. The usual method involves creating a directory tree in your wow folder that’s identical to the one in the one in the .mpq. When the game detects a custom file, it prioritizes playing it over the mpq itself.

Many years ago, I put up a “how to” thread as well as a 2 second silent .ogg file on google docs. I have no idea if it still works or if the ogg file is still around.

There’s another annoying one at \Data\Sound\Spells\PreCastFrostMagicHigh.ogg you may want silenced too.

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Thank you, Nightshade.

Game Options > System > Audio > Sound Effects > Enable Pet Sounds [“uncheck the box”]

Or for the Water Elemental specifically

  1. Locate the appropriate version of the game in your installation directory

C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft_classic_
C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft_classic_era_
C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft_retail_

  1. Create additional directories inside the specific game version directory (if completing for all game versions then do this three (3) times, one for each game version):

For Windows:

  1. Create a text document changing the file extension to .wav and rename the file as WaterElementalLoop.wav

NOTE: everything is case sensitive for PC

You can just use Leatrix to mute sound files, and not have to deal with code or editing files. Just list the sound files you want to delete under system → mute custom sounds