Water damage spells

Hopefully should I even bother hoping for a glyph or something for dps water spells. Maybe like hex incases an enemy in a water bubble or something. Or water bolt like water elemental has that mages get :eyes:. Somethin. Also shamans need more wind damage spells too like a tornado or something .


That actually sounds awesome.


That actually used to be a spell called Hurricane that Druids had back when Balance was a nature caster. It could be nice to see a reworked version as a talent or something for DPS Shamans.


Water doesn’t really interest me much but im totally on board with more wind spells. At least ENH can talent into Fury of Air, though its a little boring visually. I wish it looked more like the Frost DK’s Remorseless Winter.

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I’ve been wanting more glyphs like these like crazy

That and lava beam glyph for CL

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I think it would be cool to have like a water-whip ability.

Not givin up on this idea. Water prison, earth wall to stop enemies in their path like a ring of piece but a straight wall. Wind tornado(basically hurricane) summons giant tornados and clouds and lightning in an area. This cna be a glyph for earthquake maybe. Idk I’ve always preferred wind and water with clouds to just straight up lightning. Maybe add some effects of this to air or lightning elemental or chain lightning. :pray:t4: :tornado:

we can always dream

Well the Kul’tiran Shamans, “Tide Sages”, baseline spell the cast is Waterbolt, maybe when you go Resto your filler becomes Waterbolt??, Lightning Bolt for Ele and some Wind Slice for Enhance instead of Lightning bolt?.

So every spec feels a little more unique.

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Only problrm is water elemental uses water bolt. Thats the problem.

Personally, I prefer elements having roles more than all of them doing everything. Water for healing, preferably earth more for protection, fire for damage over time, lightning for nukes, wind for utility/auto enhancement.

I understand how every element can be technically used to do damage, but I think they mean more if they play a part.

I agree but we need updated visuals. Speciallylightning bolt. This puny little lightning bolt is what we’re spamming when sethrakk are using emperor lightning bolt on us??