Watchers: the Best Fit for Night Elf Paladins?

Priestesses of the Moon are among the best archers on Azeroth but it doesn’t mean they don’t use melee weapons. It’s perfectly stated in lore how they train in combat and use moonglaives a lot.
It’s in the books many times and even in game she does a melee cleave attack.
So once again Priestesses of the Moon unless introduced as a separte new class should be the default group to represent Paladins in game.

The original Human Paladins were Priests who put on the plate armor and took up the hammer and shield.

Night Elf Paladins could certainy be justified the same way, but they’re going to lose the bows.

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As others have mentioned, Night Elf Paladins would be best suited as plate-clad Priestesses of Elune over Wardens. Warden armor has been green/gold for a while now so I don’t really think that’s an indication of anything.

I would love Night Elf Paladins but not if they don’t give us the ability to change our ‘light’ color to be more silver instead of the traditional gold of the Paladins we currently have. (While they’re at it, they should add this as an option for Priests too.)

Unless they spun up the reasoning as them being just regular Joe Schmoe’s of Tyr which honestly is so boring I’d just rather not have them.

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If nothing else, we have her 1v1 utter destruction of Nathanos. She used the bow only to pin him to a wall and catch his attention. Then it was all back muscle twirly melee ruination.


Slightly off-topic, but as much as I liked Nathan for being a refreshingly awful character I sure do love going back to watch Muscle Mommy Tyrande absolutely decimate him. :face_holding_back_tears:

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Where’d he go anyway? He said dying would send him straight to her. Guess he got trolled

It’s implied that the Jailer hid him from Sylvanas when Tyrande sent him careening into the Maw so as to not (presumably) distract her from helping with his plan. Tyrande mocks her about it during their DBZ stand-off in Ardenweald.

It has been mentioned a few times (in the Sylvanas novel and in the Undead Heritage quest for Sylvanas loyalists, I believe?) that Sylvanas is looking for him specifically while serving her atonement in the Maw.

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Always funny how the arguably the most 3 famous Bow users of WoW all went melee when fighting each other.

I guess they didn’t exactly want to animate a fully ranged fight.

I choose to believe it’s really because they didn’t want more people to see how amazing hunters are because then they’d have to make appealing mail armor sets when suddenly everyone plays the #1 best class.


Ahh the steading… the place where an open world raid could also become an open world PVP battle at the same time…

That would be so nice… Shaman need work… so much work.

my Shaman right now mainly use pieces from the Hunter sets because for some reason Shaman = skirts… which I don’t find appealing.


Just bring back the lore for Huntresses from Warcraft 3, or acknowledge the actual abilities the Sisterhood of Elune has in the lore, since they really aren’t the priest class we have in-game.

Huntresses are the elite cadre of the night elf Sentinel army. Drawing their strength from the moon goddess, Elune, these warrior women ride the feral nightsaber panthers into battle. Huntresses are strong and swift, and merciless to those who would defile the sanctity of Ashenvale Forest.”

Or for the Sisterhood of Elune: they’re described to have Elune’s light as a part of themselves and train in martial weaponry and warfare. Just a branch of the Sisterhood of Elune.


“Drawing the strength from elune” could very well be just the racial buff every nelf character has during the night.

Then what would be the point of explicitly drawing attention to it for them.

Flavor text, the only other melee unit for Nelves was the druids of the claw, so makes sense to explain why they are powerful.

It is really stupid that Blizzard is even trying that. Given that the reason why the Tauren Seers and by extension, the Sunwalkers exist BECAUSE druidism was too heavily focused on the Moon, since the Tauren learned it from the Night Elves. Tahu started his own sect focusing on the Sun (An’she) as a way to bring “balance” back to Druidism. Hence why Balance druids got a couple of solar based spells in Cata. Even changing Wrath at one point to Solar Wrath.

From my understanding it’s the origin story of the Sunwalker Paladins… such as it is.

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Sun is important to Life. I would expect that the Emerald Dream which is tied to Life, (not Elune.) Would have solar elements. The end of the Emerald Nightmare raid where we enter the Emerald Dream is sunny, it’s a sunny place.

Don’t listen to reactionaries who farm outrage for clout. The Emerald Dream is called “The vassel of Life.” It has nothing to do with Elune. It’s connected to Freya and Eonar.

It’s more Freya’s realm than Elune’s.

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I really hope what you say ia true.
I’m concerned about it because Amirdrassil, a zone created by the maigcs of Elune and Winter Queen, happens to be a reflection of the Emerald Dream. All bright decorated with lots of sunbeams. One would think a place created by the Goddes of the Moon would have an overall darker atmosphere with a Moon in the sky.

As I understand it the Emerald Dream was the scratch paper used for planning out Azeroth.

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