Watcher of the Huntress Pet not delivered in game after claim

the mount that was the actual normal twitch drop arrived immediately upon claiming to whatever account is linked to your twitch account. The issue with the pet is that it’s not a normal ‘twitch drop’, it’s a redeemable code that you have to manually enter on the bliz website, and that seems to be where the disconnect is. Their manual code redemption seems to be malfunctioning.

I feel better though just finding the forums knowing that it’s not just me having the issue. More likelyhood that they’ll get it done through an overall hotfix to push all the codes through in the next few days. Fingers crossed.


Same thing is happening to me.

same, entered code in the battlenet launcher but no pet in game,…logged all way out and back in and still no pet either

Also happened here.

Same, redeemed the code, not pet.

happened to me as well no pet after redeeming

Same here,

I am starting to feel silly for redeeming the code right away rather than checking if it was working first…

Add me to the list of people who haven’t gotten the pet yet. I gifted the 2 subs, got the redeem code, redeemed the code, and got notice that I redeemed the code when I went to go double-check.

I also have the same issue, was issued the code, entered it in the code redeem, was given a success message and didn’t receive it yet.

I never got it too that is weird I did the code but it never gave me it

DId mine through the BNET App yesterday on my PC, still no delivery either

follow up on my actual ticket submission, the blizzard support team had this to say:
"When claiming codes for WoW, some of those codes can have a wait time on them delivering quickly, it can take up to 24 hours. This is generally when servers are extremely busy, as we’re going through a launch that’d make sense as to why that’s happening here.

Our teams are aware that the Watcher of the Huntress pet is not appearing for everyone in-game after claiming the code for it, which is related to the 24 hours I just mentioned above. The WoW Team are aware of this and are keeping an eye on it though!"

They also provided a link to an article they posted addressing this issue:

So am hopeful this will resolve itself out soon.


Thanks for the info! At least they are aware that there is some kind of delay.

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CS responded to my ticket said they can’t do a thing and to contact Twitch. Umm no this is on Blizzard not Twitch.

Same here i got the mount after 4 hours of watching almost instantly while i was online . But after buying 2 twitch subs putting code in nothing .

I got the mount this morning. I contacted Twitch about the pet situation. I told them that Blizzard said to contact them. We’ll see if I get any response!

This is pretty common for companies that do promotions together or have some sort of sales between two platforms. When the sale goes wrong, customer support will tell you to contact the other guy. It’s really bad when both companies involved tell you the same thing - “No it’s the other guy’s fault. Go talk to them.”

I also am here to report the issue. Gifted the two subs yesterday, and redeemed my code on the app. Still no pet. :sob:

Awww, shoot. This is the first time the pet hasn’t come through for me immediately. So here I am, adding another +1 to the “I didn’t get the pet” thread.

I just logged on and got the pet finally!

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