Watched Venrukis Latest Arena Video

Shut your two face looking boosted self up dude, honestly.

Will do :+1:

yah its crazy all of these streamers at the start of the xpac said pvp was finally saved ummm huh??

aw man could I recommend mindfulness-orientated meditation then? you seem to be suffering from emotional dysregulation

I’ve seen this b4. A case of the never-will-be’s. No known cure. Except maybe shutting up and going to go bother kids in your cord

I’ll give you the last word so it wasn’t a total loss I guess, I feel bad that I’ve ruined your night so completely. take care of yourself, my BFA S4 “glad” child :pleading_face:


All this apparently is wasting my time ? Imagine we live in a world where calling out a healer for being low rated hurts their fragile ego… na, I don’t have to. It’s reality here :joy:

Hpals not even second best healer rn.

Nice meme


Arena is a very stale antiquated format that doesn’t appeal to most PvP players not to mention the bulk of players that do play WoW.

Ontop of that it’s been an amazing year for gaming. There are great games to play besides WoW. So players are checking them out. Even veteran WoW PvPers are vacationing in other games.

Blitz has also caused players to stop Queing Arena as it’s a new format and is more fitting for this genre.

You totally get rid of the current Arena format. It’s bad. It’s been bad for over a decade there is no denying this. You have terrible mechanics in it like dampening which was never supposed to be permanent. Arena just needs to be completely redone.

Heck I’d say even Throne and Liberty has better ideas for Arena then WoW currently. Where it’s a fast paced match and you score points in a time-frame. It’s not about getting 1 kill and you win. You actually Rez and get back in the fight. It’s fast paced more dynamic.

WoW Arena is too scripted which makes it bad and uninteresting. It’s should be more reactive and fast paced to distinguish great plays. They should remove every PvP modifier and redesign PvP around new formats that embrace this genres gameplay better.

It’s almost like they should have just added a way to dynamic q instead of thinning all the brackets.


All the 30 yo 10+ year minigame veterans are just in here squabbling instead of working together to create something we all appreciate and make it better. Let’s come together over love of the same game and stop with the condescending hate

I got u with the insane fixes to arenas to make it playable;

Nerf BM.


Also need healer bonus lower q times for when they play dps. The 50 conquest boxes ain’t cutting it

Dude that BM nerf you’re talking about is super sick and makes the game 30x more playable.

You’re smart af brother

I can’t get any irl friends to play wow. All that’s left is people whove been here for 10+ years, just angrily waddling and slapping around. But it’s our PoS game and we’ll keep playing


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1 round for solo shuffles would just be a rated arena skirmish would it not?

Is the slow death of the game, people have no control over teammates and the only thing it did is highlight just how much lack of balance there truly is in the game

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Incentivizing has nothing to do with buffing

Yo hear me out…we get rid of all the solo Q game modes…and delete 2s from being ranked. We then make 3v3 the ONLY ranked form of PvP, and then we bring back actual ARENA TEAMS like back in the day :open_mouth: