You get those as you cap/push not before
Once full sockets are obtained on gear you gain a secret que option for placing on the better team, not before tho
I think when we said we wanted solo queue
We were basically asking for solo queue 2s and 3s
Not a whole new game mode
If you want to play 2’s or 3’s, then go play 2’s or 3’s.
I want to press a button and then have a rated game in 2mins like every other PvP game in existence
And you think queues would be instant if it was 2’s or 3’s?
No I think they’d be 2-3 mins as opposed to 15-30
Based on what exactly lmao. Use your brain man.
I mean you do have blitz for the duo queing.
Sadly it’s good advice but it’s in the title of the expansion.
Right in front for everyone to see, yet they will all be blind sided.
Its almost like when you design around DPS having fun and punishing healers for doing what they are designed to do you end up with DPS trying to play and healers wanting none of it.
Remove dampening and balance the classes accordingly, starting with reducing the insane amount of survivals DPS have access to so they can’t just run around like idiots, and remove the amount of micro CCs forcing DPS to actual risk interrupts and have to set up their CC and I’m willing to bet you will see healer pariticpation increase dramatically.
Nothing funner than doing your job just to get insta-displaced into insta-stun into insta-blind into insta-silenced, into knock-up into knock-back, etc etc. That crap need to go. If nothing else dramatically reduce its impact while increasing the impact of casted CC. If the mage/lock/evoker/shaman gets their fear/sheep/sleep off it should be a longer CC than that insta blind/stun garbage.
Err no, time cap games no thank you.
Please read the entire post. You remove dampening, and you nerf everyone’s survivability while buffing the impact of casted CC. This entire slew of changes means people die in CC chains and arena becomes about landing preventing CC chains instead of constant CD trading which is boring AF.
The biggest reason people don’t die like they should has less to do with healers and more to do with blizzard buffing everyone’s survivability, almost every class of which is flat out to high.
That’s alot to ask of Blizz. Just reduce micro cc and snares so people can actually play the game.
I don’t see removing unhealthy game design(dampening), removing excessive individual durability, and buffing casted CC by 1-2 seconds while removing numerous insta-cast and micro CC as being a heavy ask. To me that is the minimum expectation if you want to make pvp good again.
PVP sucks in general. Healers eat CC, melee eat roots, and wizards get piled on. I don’t think anyone’s perspective from a role point of view would really look good, unless you’re just tuned so nuts that you can be awful and climb, or you really know what you’re doing.
The only thing that makes 2s/3s anymore tolerable for me than RSS is I only do arena when I’m in comms with people I know, so that aspect is at least enjoyable.
Game is dead
See above comment
CUz gate keeping is real
Cuz gatekeepers and real money sellers. Arenas has turnt into a business where people sell coaching and rating. The top players do.
Uh no. Its the gatekeepers that dont offer training for new players thru guilds.
Top players are too busy selling coaching and carries.
You cant cuz gatekeepers making big money
PVP isnt a priority for blizz devs
Quick question;
Then how is
If it’s dead how they make money on non existent players?
200 iq. Gatekeepers gatekeep to sell boosts.
Alls thats left are the sellers and buyers buying rating and a few thrown in who hate it