Watched Asmongold abuse layering to bypass 3 hr cooldown

You just wait. Once he logs…Twitch logs all his videos. It will be easy to access…

So yes we’ll have to wait…Need any coffee?

1/10 nice try

Well, no. Some of us would be playing Vanilla.

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His streams are online right now.

We want a link to said video proof with the exact time in the video said exploit happened.

Get crackin!

with so many players the servers would be like it is now with the ddos attacks…down.

I can wait till his is done. That is when it logs you buffoon.

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You are not beating anyone up grandpa.

Awwww poor thing. You wangry the servers are down for 15 minutes.

What will you ever do… mommy… meatloaf!!!

People like idiots. It’s a common occurrence nowadays.

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Another condescending asmongold follower, what a surprise.


I still don’t give a damn. These servers have way more people on them than a Vanilla server would. So if you remove the layers then EVERYONE has to wait longer for EVERYTHING. That would also be a cluster and even LESS of a Vanilla experience.

I know…I should have picked up on it right away. Most of the time they start up these threads. I walked blindly into this cease pool of craziness.

im dumb what is layering?

Pretty similar to sharding if you are familiar with that.

Nothing to concern yourself about. Go on with your day.

lol no whats sharding haha

How far on the spectrum are you? That was so cringe worthy and completely unrelated to anything I said. YOU said “we use to beat these people up back in the day”

I said, no you wouldn’t, and point proven, you’re completely devoid of proper social interaction which is a marker on the spectrum.



I don’t understand why he and others aren’t being banned for this. Remember the rogue who got banned for 72 hours (and his guild Ensidia) for using a grenade in ICC that caused a platform to respawn? He got busted for exploiting because that was not the intent of the devs for that encounter.

Well I’m fairly sure that that hopping layers to renew resources was not the intent of the devs. Would be good to see some justice meted out here.


Are we forgetting that servers in Vanilla are a third or less of what they are now? Are you forgetting that a full server in vanilla had 2-3k people, compared to the 10k+ per full server we have now?

Sorry fam. I’ll take layering over LITERALLY BEING UNABLE TO PLAY any day.