Watch the Shadowlands Launch Cinematic: “Beyond the Veil”

I have one minor complaint. Your posts include a link to just the image when you click the image. It would be nice if the image pointed to the article and opened in a new window.

Maldraxxus excited me the most because we actually see elements we are familiar with, but in an even more badass setting. That being the flying necropolis’.

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This is really cool. It reminds me of the classic/tbc cinematics where it just kind of showcases the world. Love it!!!

That1s good tv

… looks like a MOBA. :thinking:

So they really went full oriental mechanics?

High point.

Yup. Until today he was just a ripped off Quan Chi.

As i said, it’s not a main cinematic, it’s an extra. Makes not sense compare it with the main ones.

Nice cinematic. However, first time I felt this is not World of Warcraft.


Those high def nipples are on point.

The Vampires Suck movie trailer was a lot better🤪

About that there has been some data mining on the subject.

The last CGI cinematic we got had only an undead elf and a human. So, no. It hasn’t really been a while.

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I actually think this is one of the weaker cinematics you’ve ever done. Certainly, it’s not even in the same league as, say, MoPs or Wrath’s, and is probably below that of Cataclysm.

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Cata was dope. U mad?

The Jailer is on chains because he wants to “show something” to Sylvanas:

Sylvanas: We already captured the targets and… Wait… why are you in chains?

Jailer: I want to show you how the Shadowlands works Banshee.

Sylvanas: In chains?

Jailer: With the right incentive, i can break free of these chains, pick up that whip over there…

Sylvanas: Boy and i thought that Azeroth was awkward, with the Moonguard Goldshire…

No thanks not interested and not BUYING IT.

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But it had orcs, sad orcs.

Loved it! I’m so excited to start my Shadowland adventures!
:doughnut: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

thanks I was wondering what that ment.

Why not? Are you going to just play old content?

Beyond the veil lies the shadowlands. And Iron Man with wings :joy: