Watch the Shadowlands Launch Cinematic: “Beyond the Veil”

A CGI cinematic without an Orc, Sylvanas, or Anduin?? Say it isn’t so! Am I dreaming?

In all seriousness I am glad this wasn’t another Sylvanas cinematic, but at the same time this cinematic didn’t do much… it’s just a CGI version of stuff we have already seen and know. It’s a beautiful cinematic, absolutely amazing, but as far as giving us any info or hype? Pretty average if you ask me.


It looked top notch. I especially liked the transition between Ardenweald and Maldraxxus. Had a very original WoW cinematic feel to it.


Yeah, I immediately thought of the TBC cinematic after watching this one.


Denathrius: Y E E T


bro, it’s been awhile since i got chills from a blizz cinematic

we in the endgame now, so close


I’m excited! I hope the new raids will be super fun! Thanks for sharing :slight_smile:

wow the quality, didnt expect this! NOICE

The jailer looks so freaking stupid, lol.

Edit: I WILL say it was quite refreshing not hearing Sylvannas be mysterious and epic.


So Jailer confirmed Horde Allied Race?


Am I the only one that thought this one was crap compared to past expansions? Not to be the downer, but I was very underwhelmed.

Honestly, halfway through it, I wasn’t sure if it was a real cinematic or not…it wasnt till I saw the Shadowlands splash screen that I was for sure it was a true cinematic.

Yea it had a very Classic feel to it with switching between the different Covenants, but I just felt like there was no cohesion, no story, nothing.

Reminded me of BC which was the worst cinematic IMO.

P.S. Also other than Ardenweald and Maldraxxus, I thought the CGI was kinda weak, almost BC/Wrath era CGI. MoP, WoD, Legion, and BFA all looked much better IMO. Everyone keeps saying “the quality” but I think this was a definite step back in quality from the last few expansion CGIs


This is my feeling. Outside of looking amazing, the trailer was meh. It gave us nothing new that we didn’t already know so like what’s the point? This was just a CGI version of the trailer they released already a few months ago showing all the covenants.


Okay I’ll be honest if I had wings I would be dramatic EVERYTIME I’m about to fly so I understand the Kyrian


It is not the main trailer of the expansion, it’s an extra cinematic, just to show the covenant/zones, it have no purpose to develop some story in the video itself.
There is no reason to compare it with the main cinematics trailers.

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More!! Nice work!

Your right. I went in game and checked the cinematics there and the Sylvanas one is the main one. Ok, makes me feel better.

Well cool then, superfluous cinematics are never a bad thing!

Easily the weakest offering since TBC.

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Also HOLY CRAP the leader of the Venthyr is bigger than I thought he’d be


I have been joking with my friends that play this and FF14 that “Man is it just me or is the Jailer just not that interesting or scary?” To me he just seems very… generic I guess is the word? He seems like just some dude with glowing tattoos and a hole in him. I even noted “Garrosh seemed more intimidating then this in MoP.”

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I thought they did a pretty good job. I felt like it was showcasing more of the environment than anything. It doesn’t feel very Warcraft to me for some reason and that ultimately didn’t bother me. As this universe will always be evolving. Maybe next cinematic will feel a bit more rooted with some characters/races we are accustomed with in this franchise.

:slight_smile: :heart:

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I’m hyped, I really like some of the zones for the aesthetics, and some because they are more practical to be there!

It’s going to be so hard to decide where to go!!

Do I go with my head or my heart?