Watch the New Developer Content Update Preview

That segue into titanforging had me laughing my as* off. Good stuff.

I just hope we ultimately have assaults in more than the two zones Ion mentioned. Every Titan facility should be getting hit, IMO.

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For the first time this expansion, I’m looking forward to the forthcoming content patch. Would like to learn more.

I’m disappointed there was no talk of PVP vendors or PvP balances changes (the current meta with its OP classes is getting stale). Why not update underused PvP talents? Give PvP’ers something to get excited about.

Horrific visions, the new allied races, and the changes to the auction house all look great. I’m also a sucker for the old gods theme.


It’s the upside down of azeroth.

I don’t understand.

" A new pvp season,
season 4 of battle for azeroth "

I quit.

When do we get these as cosmetic transmog items for our collections? I really, REALLY want to know.

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Reminds me of Mister Gabriel’s song:

So, if you don’t understand something it’s a “glaring issue”. lol

My guess is there will be mechanics that this cape will negate revolving around N’zoths abilities and his minions abilities. If you listen to the Devs description thats what I got out of it.

Kinda like u used to need fire resistance to fight Ragnaros.