Wasted Runed Harbinger Crests

so I mistakenly used 15 Runed Harbinger Crests to buy a Sachel of Carved Harbinger crests that i thought i had to buy for a quest, turns out that sachel is to downgrade crests which i didnt understand at that moment. Now i lost the most valuable crests I can have right now which i was collecting from heroic raid to be ready for when mythic raid opens. I NEED those crests back or i am going to be behind.

Is there any chance to recover them? You can check the profile for this character you will see that i just bought a 519 crafted belt for which i used 45 of those crests, today i wanted to get the ones i needed to complete the 90 i could get this week to craft the second 519 item


Sorry to say, it’s something GMs are unable to help with. They often have pop-ups and ‘are you sure’ boxes when the alt currencies are in play. Just gone to the NPC to see what they have, there is a popup on ensuring you about what you’re going to do. The last line saying it’s un-refundable.


I remember there being a quest to buy a bag of crests, then upgrade items 5 times, but fraid to say GM’s can’t give back those crests.


I just did that quest last night after completing the quest. Have you checked your inventory? I’m fairly certain I got the carved crests back.


You do get them back. The NPC gives you higher tier crests, and asks you to exchange them for lower tier. You do. Then the reward for the quest is the higher tier crests again. It’s to show you how the downgrade/trade-in system works. You come out ahead after the quest.


hmm i havent gotten the reward so far. I dont know whats up but the quest didnt complete

edit: ok i know what happened the quest was for lower tier crests, i tried to do it with a higher tier crest so it didnt count and i lost those crests.

Oh I see. For the quest, the NPC gives you the 2nd tier of crests and asks you to exchange them for the 1st tier. Then, as the quest reward, gives you the 2nd tier back. It’s both an introduction to the process, and some free crests.