Washed Up Priest LF Casual Arena Partner

Hey fellas.

I’m looking for partners for casual 2s/3s/5s, mostly just to cap, chill, and have fun.
I’ve been just shy of 2400 in every bracket on live S14-S15, got 2200 a couple times after that in WoD and Legion, before hanging up the reins on live. I am probably nowhere near capable of that now.

I don’t care about pushing rating as much, just want to cap and have fun, enjoy TBC for what it is.

Thanks :slight_smile:

P.S. - If anyone is aware of a guild with a similar mindset, I’m all ears.


There will be one I can recommend in wotlk.

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Can confirm Bricke is washed up. Can confirm Bricke is looking for an Arena partner/team. Can confirm Bricke is looking for a guild. Why? Bricke just told us.


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Bricke is a good arena partner that can bench press rating if he wants


Also WTB 2s/3s partners.

hey. im semi undergeared but gearing fast. I was 2200+ in wotlk on mage and warrior. im pretty rust though.

looking for casual games for cap too. let me know if you’d like to play.