Gag yoh’ghyl og hoq uul’gwa gag Ez yyqzz huqth
- In which case there’s no grounds to condemn her attempt to Lightforge him by force, or him killing her, outside of subjective taste.
- What do you mean by “victory dances”? This is about Xe’ra’s actions, I only brought up Turalyon in that last comment for his VA’s good voice acting.
- The CGI quality for fel junkie and holy crystals was good, except I think that the room should’ve been more brightly lit as Xe’ra was a major source of light (in the illumination sense).
That would have ruined her light binding display.
How would a more brightly lit room have ruined the attempted Lightforging?
Because it shows off better in a darkened background. Also it sets a more proper tone. There’s a reason the Star Trek movies of the pre-Kelvin variety were so dark in lighting compared to the TV series.
On one hand, what you said relates to the aesthetic of contrast, which has its appeal. On the other hand, there’s the inconsistency that a literal being of light (light of both uppercase and lowercase “L” varieties) doesn’t illuminate a whole room.
I thought the lower lighting in earlier Star Trek was due to lack of budget.
I’ve had lights that glow yet still fail to fully illuminate a room. I think you’re taking the “being of Light” a tad too literally. Remember, she’d been unplugged for a long time. and the hall that this scene takes place in is pretty cavernous.
Xe’ra was just trying to do the right thing with the wrong execution.
She is ancient, and in her “eyes” everyone around her was akin to an ant.
She only wanted what was best, a mother sternly doing what was necessary to keep her stubborn children safe.
We don’t know what she was doing to Illidan, but personally I think he overreacted.
Either 1. her using the Light on him would rewrite his entire personality and in essence “kill” HIM, or 2. Illidan is the same person but the Fel has been replaced with Light.
If 2. then there was really no reason to kill Xe’ra and go against her plans. If 1. then yes she wasn’t doing a good thing.
Just for that I’m washing your mandibles out with soap.
She could have had a better communication then, she just tried to force her wishes without explaining any of it to illidan.
Perhaps he could have agreed with it and br cool but she was too hasty and not that strong to actually complete what she wanted.
Thats the whole crux of the matter.
It does not matter if the intentions are good and the results are good with the way of doing it is full of dubios actions.
If that so sylvanas mindset with rewriting the cosmos was right too
She meant the best for everyone and in her mind " its was beyond life and death"
The end would justify all her atrocities.
And we all know that it does not work.
The methods you use must be accountable.
How I imagine the playerbase after most of us had grown tired of Xe’ra and her nonsense
wow this is still going huh. There were 120 messages in this thread when I logged in.
I don’t get this line of thinking.
If I am in a place, and some one decides a course of action - I do what I think is right. I don’t just “go along.” Especially if it is against my interests.
What sort of logic is there in : “it isn’t bad so do it, even if you don’t want to.”
Let us say the Lightforging would not be positive or negative- merely a marking of her favor. Cosmetic. Like dying someone’s hair against their will while they are asleep. Cosmetic but harmless.
Why should he just go along with her plan, if he disagrees? Even if her plan was literally just fusing his scars with light to be pretty, and he disagreed and wants to carry his Fel scars … why does anyone think he should just go along with her?
It defies logic to just go with what people want, for their cosmetic desire.
Illidaniel might be able to kill an evil, horrible, abusive windchime…
But nothing can kill some people arguing about it!!
Turalyon subjectively felt that he had lost his savior.
Ilidan subjectively felt that he had escaped yet another bondage
And I subjectively felt that I’d seen Blizzard’s version of Dark Kosh bite the dust.
All morality are subjective calls.
The only things in life that are Objectively true are things like gravity and physics, because they aren’t up for debate.
It’s at least how I view the Subjective vs Objective debate. Might be a bit simplistic, but it’s useful in explaining it in laymen’s terms to most people
Oh no, is this gonna become an objective vs. subjective morality debate again?
How many times can I say “cultural relativity” before it sinks in.
Some people don’t believe in it and so it’s like talking to a brick wall at times
Eh… people have been debating the merits of moral relativism for as long as there have been people to philosophize about it. It would be quite the feat if we concluded that millennia long debate in a WoW story forum thread.
For me it’s simple… if you can’t describe something in the language of mathematics… it’s subjective.