Was Xe'ra good or evil?

Spot on, though the plot holes still remain. Such as why would Velen praising Xe’ra to the Army of the Light after Illidan killed her then excepting her followers/soldiers to not act against Illidan for killing her if she’s so good.

I think they are not powerful enough for their role in the story and have been overused as jobbers. Xe’ra was just the most egregious example. It also doesn’t make sense to push the idea of them being a cosmic threat while they get beaten so easily; I even made a thread on that subject;

Illidan did barely any strategizing. His big plan was “throw everything he can grab at the highest-ranking demons and hope for the best.” Illidan only led his Illidari and was one of the allied commanders alongside Turalyon, Alleria, Lothraxion, Khadgar and Velen. Xe’ra’s prophecy was that Illidan would be a CHAMPION of the Light, not a general of the Light.

The only strategizing he did was attacking Nathrezar, getting that portal key and sending us after demons and portals. Others were giving orders and strategizing too. The Army of the Light had plenty of strategy. Illidan’s contributions on Argus against the Legion can be summed up as;

  • Kill some demons.
  • Order some Illidari to join the fight.
  • Stay with the Titan Pantheon and Sargeras.

(Before anyone uses this as fodder for “so much for that Champion of the Light prophecy” arguments, remember, these are his “contributions” after rejecting being the Champion of the Light).

Tyrande did read his letter. She just questioned whether he meant it.