Was Wow your first game?

Warcraft 1, Warcraft 2, and Diablo. My dad was playing those games and got me into them.

Ocarina of time was a 64 title
might been one of these

First game: A friendā€™s father built a pong game before they became widely available.
First console: Atari 2600. Alas, it died long ago.
First MMO: Various MUDS and MUSHes.

Now, get off mah lawn! :older_woman:


Another game thats near and dear, i spent days and nights not sleeping on the weekend playing this. it was so enchanting to me. I still have my manual for this with all the lore and backstory, that thing is thick lol wow why is that so big lol

Pizza place where I worked during college had Ms. Pacman. Played it to death! :stuck_out_tongue:


Wow was my first mmo , but my first real video game was a nes console


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another one is this gem

came with the sega collection cartridge


Gaming since Mario on Nintendo and Sonic on Sega. Everquest got me into MMOs tho.

Never tried EQ2, but always wish I had played when it launched. I was bummed when Everquest Next got cancelled.

Pong, tumbleweeds on TI99-4a. Intellivision, Centipede, Asteroidsā€¦ Used to have to walk up hill both ways to the arcade with 1000 pound back pack of quarters, and we considered ourselves LUCKY.


I played EQ Next as a beta tester. Honestly, it was more for kids not adults, not even teens. kids like my little pony age group. yes, it was beta but smh

wow was my first online game, i played baldours gate before this and it was not online back then, my son was the gamer he bought me wow because i had a few goes on orcs v humans his game

I still have this one as well.

If you want an ā€œupdatedā€ version, give Project: Highrise a try.

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a link to the past.
Looked it up.

I meant OoT as a separate listing, since I grew up on SNES and N64 at the same time.

I think my first video game was one of the Spyro games on the PlayStation 2.

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Hmm pitfall?


I loved the Sega Genesis Pitfall. Well, except the mine carts

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

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User name checks out. You wonā€™t even come back and read this thread anyways.

yeaaa golden axe, one of my favorite arcades