Was this a cry for help?

Someone whispered me today and they said “how do u kill that which has no life.” I just responded “I guess you don’t” and then they never said anything again. I looked it up and it seems to be a quote from that one WoW South Park episode. It got me wondering if maybe the person who said it considered themself a “no-life” and was struggling and then I didn’t say the right thing.

Am I overthinking this? Am I interpreting the quote/situation wrong? :grimacing:

If you read this I hope you’re ok…


For context…


They were just quoting south park, I think you’re overthinking it.


I hope you’re right. It just seems like such a weird thing to whisper to someone else, idk.

Sometimes a banana is just a banana. Call you mom, she misses you OP.

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Take away their chips

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Yes, you are.

The reference to that WoW based episode of South Park has now become endemic. I see that specific quote a lot, when it comes to players finishing an achievement or whatever far quicker than their guildies or whatever.


It’s a southpark reference from the WoW episode.

Wasn’t me.

Think you’re overthinking it. Good on you to be concerned for someone’s mental health but they could’ve very well been drunk or something and just randomly responded with that reference.

Hell I know I’m guilty of the same in the past when I got properly sloshed…

Anyway I wouldn’t worry about it too much.


Question - were either of you in a mog hunt, or a farming session of any kind? Like for dungeon or raid drop mounts? Or anything along those lines?

Because, seriously, that particular line is usually used when someone is “being a WoW geek” and spending a lot of time in WoW doing something.

I think they were just being silly. :stuck_out_tongue:

You’re looking way too deep into it. I get whispered the weirdest stuff out of nowhere sometimes. One person even said “hi” to me randomly and then proceeded to call me weird for saying “hi” back to them.

It’s an annoying world.


No, it was at the very start of an epic bg and I didn’t even know them, so I was like what does this mean.

My favorite part of that episode is where there’s a kid playing WoW on one of the demo computers at Best Buy, and Randy just shoves the kid out of the chair, lmao.


Probably from someone who was doing nothing but spam running bg’s? Or, they had seen someone else in group doing the same thing? I’ve seen that before - people going, “Hi - I just saw you in my last queue lol”.

lol… it always kind of sounded like a gnome to me, even though I knew it was a kid lol.

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You should think about it more.

That’s my life philosophy


Was it a DK that said this?

No in south park they where trying to kill a guy who had no life, not them selves lol

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