Was Odyn good or evil?

Do you see him as a basically good or a bad guy, given his past actions and choices?

The real question is has he done enough good to redeem the bad things he has done.

I mean this guy lead the keepers originally and locked the Old gods away so i mean that is as good as you get.

Sure he had a few people assassinated but in the end they came around to forgiving him. Most of the terrible things he did as well he did because he thought it was the right thing to do like Helya and the Valkyr/Valajar. Also without him doing that there would be no spirit healers to bring us back to save the world.

He was also right about empowering the Aspects being bad idea when you see that each of them eventually end up crazy or corrupted.


Odyn is a kind of character that believes the ends justify the means. We see that with him demanding that some of his Vrykul followers willingly sacrifice themselves to become Val’kyr. When they initially refused, he ordered Helya to kill them and raise them herself. When she refused, he killed her and forced her to obey his every command. All because he believed the aspects would ultimately fail in their duties because they were not “titanforged”. (Kinda ironic since titanforged characters would ultimately become corrupted by the old gods as well, either through direct mind control or blackmail [e.g. Loken])

Like Illidan and Wrathion, he believes what he is doing is for the safety of the world. He is a “good guy”, but he has done some questionable and even outright evil things in his persuit of his mission.

Odyn does seem like a guy who will never take no for an answer.

Malygos was freed from his mental breakdown prior to Wrath. He believed he was justified in his actions due to previous events in which mortals abused the arcane. One of which was a factor that lead to the near extinction of his entire flight.

Alexstrazsa has not being corrupted, nor has she gone crazy.

Nozdormu hasn’t either, but it will happen. He can’t stop it, and he knows it.


Because no titan watcher EVER got corrupted :roll_eyes:

The dragons were no more, or less, predisposed to corruption as anyone else.


Odyn is a legit morally grey character, so him being a good or bad guy depends entirely on our own individual take.


I’d say overall good but a massive jerk to put it mildly. We consider Illidan a good guy and he’s done worse than twist a mortal into a slave monster like Helya.

Overall, doesn’t seem like he learned from his mistakes. And doesn’t seem to have tried to make up for them. I would stick with pretty bad still.

Speak for yourself.


He’s arrogant and a jerk, I don’t like him. But he is not straight up evil.


That’s a carry intresting comparison. I need to go back through Pandaria and read War Crimes because I now little of Wrathion.

Was that fully explained in Wrath?

Is that still a possibility though? He doesn’t have the power he once did and Deathwing was defeated.

When I say “we” I mean the game told us to. Frankly I find his whitewashing to be ridiculous even if he disagreed with it as well. We were still expected to see him as a good guy by the narrative.

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Odyn was dumb and arrogant. Just like norse god would be, cause they are very close to humans.


He always seemed like bad news to me, and the more I learned, the worse he seems.

Forcing Helya to become a Valkyr is about as bad as it gets. Thats on the level of Arthas turning Sylvanas into a Banshee. The purpose was no less malevolent - to usurp the afterlives of the Vrykul and create an eternal army for himself. The Vrykul specifically declined and he did it anyway.

After all these years, the Vrykul have come to view him as a God, and he has been more than happy to wear that mantle. That sounds like a terrible fate for those people. To serve and revere the man who perverted the sacred after lives of their ancestors against their will.

I think he was wrong about the Dragons, too. We needed their aid many times. Taking his ball and leaving the party is the height of immaturity and arrogance.

I do not trust Odyn or Eyir. Helya seems a more sympathetic character to me. I wish we had a choice to help her. Maybe we still will. I felt sad about defeating Helya. Yes, she was ultimately up to bad news. But Odyn drove her to that. And after what Odyn did to her and the Vrykul, I think she is right that Odyn is a threat.


Odyn is pretty much a Grey Character. He did things that were for the greater good but not really good at all in terms of making Helya into a Spirit forever and of course turning Vrykul into Metal skin Titanforged.

Odyn is good. He has good intentions.

He’s just a bad person, that doesn’t see any problems with using people against their will, tricking others into doing his dirty work, and killing both those who defy him as well as risking the lives of those who are loyal to him.

Unlike Helya, Odyn actually keeps his word so I don’t see how the former is at all sympathetic (even after acknowledging she was bad news).

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Weird way of phrasing it. Not sure what it is meant to be evidence of.

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She was at least “good” enough to protest against Odyn stealing the afterlives of the Vrykul. That took alot of gumption, especially seeing what she was up against.

Standing up to Odyn for the benefit of mortals shows Helya started out as a benevolent being, until Odyn warped and twisted her into a creature that would serve him. Thats why I find her sympathetic.

They are both currently close to evil - but Helya at least started out good and risked her existence to protest in defense of the Vrykul, before Odyn warped her.

I would like her to have her revenge. I hope we end up teaming up with her to kill Odyn. Doubtful, but possible.

As far as keeping their words - Helya and Odyn are still compelled and bound by rules. Helya tried to break her word - but was still bound by her word to allow us to leave. And Odyn is bound by his trials. He can not just give the Aegis to us, even if he prefers we get it over Skovald. It may be deep seated Titan programming they can not shake, even if they want to.

And Odyn has a habit of making his word the final say. It is easy to keep your word when you can enslave a race and pervert their history for generations.

I do not see Helya’s manipulations any worse than Odyn’s. Odyn simply does as he wishes in the end because he has the power.


Good and evil are beyond the concerns of those that see themselves as gods.

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The fact that Helya even tried to break her word should be sending red flags. At least Odyn keeps his word because he actually wants the players to succeed and even assists in defending the world against the Legion. Which is something Helya actively tried to prevent us from doing and for what? To settle a grudge that the mortals have nothing to do with?

Odyn is morally grey but Helya is most definitely not.


Let us not forget that the majority of Stormheim questing is Odyn jerking us around making us fight for his amusement and to ‘prove our worth’ in the midst of an apocalyptic demon invasion before he gives us the MacGuffin we need to save the world from the apocalyptic demon invasion.

Also, let’s not forget that combating said invasion was basically his job, and that he did a ton of bad stuff because he thought only he could do it right, and his version of fighting the legion involved, again, jerking the heroes around pointlessly while leaving the door open for the actual demons to get their hands on the aegis through Skovald, for no reason at all.

Odyn is the worst.