Was Kotick and co. wasting WoW's Dev Resources?

Except ow1 didn’t produce anything and couldn’t even do a seasonal event in time… but delaying an event for months to change a name is paranount.

I’m calling shenanigans. Ow1 development was glacial even under kaplan

Every other place adapted. Blizzard seems to be the only company that keeps blaming the pandemic rather than lazy workers.


It’s more insidious than that. If the SEC gave even 2 hoots they’d find correlation with those wasted dev hours and the timing of stock sales and buys. He is making a fortune for ruining blizz.

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All Industries are affected by covid even today. And we’re not just talking people getting sick and not coming into work. The supply chain stress is real

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I wish. I would love to have 400 million.

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Nah they were filling their pockets and now they have bigger pockets :sunglasses:

I understand the devs frustration.

It is very unlikely that Kotick had a direct hand in any sort of development in World of Warcraft or any of Blizzards games.

Blizzard has had notoriously bad management for a long time, and it has existed before Activision.

Blizzard would not exist if WoW wasn’t a cash cow, because their management team, independently off all the scandals, cannot make a game release if they want to. They create and scrap and create and scrap, and that is a long standing issue.

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They made a crap ton of money so they didn’t waste anything except OUR time. I’m pretty sure they can live with that

It’s entirely a mismanagement problem. The word “workers” used in this context is incorrect.

Really? The only people who Bobby played any role in hiring were his underlings, those who reported to him directly. He hired people he liked, who thought like him. And they were carrying out his wishes, just like the OW people who he gave some lame and badly conceived project to and said “just do it!”, as though they had an option to tell him it was pointless.

The business was run exactly as he wanted it to be, cronyism and all. He made the corporate culture. He is entirely responsible.

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You are right on development speed.

But not on everyone adapting. Everyone else delayed their games till next year, or the year after.

and your point? that is exactly how things work in a company, doesn’t mean there wasn’t/isn’t a whole lot of immature and unprofessional employees still running around who shouldn’t be there - including I would guess this person.

he hires people who think and act like him, they hire people who think and act like them, and so on and so on all the way down.

That isn’t how hiring works.

It’s how people think hiring works when they have no experience at it.

hopefully MS does a lot better that this game since 2015.

I’m not believing any of you are believing a word of this post.

Besides collect residual income

I wouldn’t call 8-hour FF XIV play sessions “nothing”.


tbh it looks like Blizzard was just poorly run with or without kotick’s interference since they can’t even get a mobile game out on time right now

Well I guess blame the university professors in my diversity hiring training for telling me that. Who would have thought they knew nothing.

I know Kotick is easy to blame because he is a big problem with the industry and Actiblizz as a whole. But I am pretty sure he wanted Blizz to actually pump games out and not have all their projects go into development hell at the same time, including a phone game that should have been shoved out the door years ago

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Wasted resources? Who knows.
We don’t have the full picture.

Shadowland’s cycle, nah, we don’t have again enough information. It’s going the full 2 years and a lot has been changed but that is mostly IMHO, the fault of circumstances [a wrench] being thrown into their already known-slow development style.

But I wanna mention one thing;

Her writing that is so stupid.
The guy is well known in the corporate level and is going home to his almost billion dollar fortune. If anything, he won lol… always has won while people like that OW producer is probably living a moderate lifestyle and having kotick live in her head rent free.


The smartest move in capitalism is not to make a good quality product. It is to make a bad quality product but convince people that they want it anyway.