Was it worth it?

I know we all like to have our fun. Red is dead and all that. If I am leveling an alt and I get killed by something, life happens and move on. 2 60’s killing a level 34 alt repeatedly? Well now you got my attention.

I am wondering though, in the process of having the tables turned and getting camped by me did you ever stop and think that maybe, just maybe it wasnt worth it?

I mean how long were you two gonna sit there there not accepting the rez because you knew I was waiting for you. My favorite part was when you got baited into thinking I rode off only to have me return the favor once again.

Anywho remember your actions this night because I am not done returning the kindness you showed me. If anyone else in Warbound has the misfortune of crossing my path you only have your guildmates to thank for what happens next.

Stay Classy Earthfury,

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real talk though, the worst feeling is logging on to your main and then still getting destroyed :sweat_smile:

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I remember back in Cataclysm I was leveling a warrior alt in STV. Got ganked by a rogue and warlock. Now I wasn’t on my main’s server, but i had a high level death knight. I went to STV and killed the rogue and warlock. Next I know a warrior and priest maxed in PvP gear show up and ruin my day. :joy:

That said I mostly avoid the low levels here. A mid-30s random Horde offers me little to nothing. I’ve ganked a few 48-55 range, but 30s seem pointless. Now if we’re in the same area and I’m farming mats I might take one out just to keep the nodes to myself. I’ve had that happen in Felwood with runes. Just can’t let the gankers get an edge on you. The more upset you are the more satisfaction you give them.

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Yeah thats why i dont trip if i get killed, I am currently on Iron. I got a guildie constantly farming the stuff. I saw a couple of 60 alliance in the area farming it up as well.

But 2 60’s camping and circling back to sit on a 30. Well that takes a special level moron. I am sure they were baiting me into “getting my main” just sucked for these two that i know how to handle myself in a bit of pvp lol.

That and the hunter was gimp af.

OH I remember this. Dismount your high horse weeb we were having a nice 3v3 until you started bringing in five others.

Sorry about your alt, but you don’t have a leg to whine on.

edit: even with the “Master of PvP” his godliness Pained the Great opposing us we were still winning at a disadvantage.

The event’s I described were long before you showed up. Also, not whining, what I was doing was gloating. A point needed to be made and I made it. Not sure what the confusion you seem to be suffering from is all about.

But hey if you want to come to the forums and openly out yourself for defending a couple of dbags camping a level 34 more power to you.

Stay Classy EF

Bringing in five more people than an even fight is about as classless as it gets.

Stay classy EF
You’re a pleb

I TOTALLY AGREE! When we had you pinned down in your own town and you started summoning in Reinforcements from the rooftop?

That was rather classless on your part.

To everyone else, Stay Classy.

Anyone who’s seen me in the open world knows I suck at 1v1. That said, if I have an Arms Warr I can pocket heal, I’m OK. If I’m by myself, tho, my Hearth is usually off CD. =P

I ALSO AGREE. But my favorite “Pained the classless” moment is when four of us feigned a retreat and obliterated six of you right outside of your town.

Pained was raised by wildboars

Now you are just babbling and trying to highlight something to save face.

You did get one thing right though:

Im’ma just leave it right there on that note and wish you a good day sir and or ma’am. It is 2019 I don’t wish to assume your gender.

Stay Classy EF.

“Pained the hypocritical classless boar-descendant” caught in the act of trying to save face by distracting from the real issues again.

Well I think my work here is done, I’mma leave it at that.

Pained knows what his colon looks like

Yes, the real issue is i turned the table on some lowbie corpse campers and made them quickly regret their actions. You decided to come in and prove to the world what a forum monkey you are and how you dance on my command.

You acknowledged you defend corpse camping lowbies or you are a lowbie corpse camper yourself. You acknowledged you are classless and you pretty much told everyone how great i am.

Look cupcake, i know you are dying for my affection and attention but daddy just isn’t interested in his little play thing anymore.

Look precious, I only consort with classy individuals. If you want to continue this constructive bit of discorse I’m going to see need to some capitals where they belong.

How can you even expect to have a classy conversation while mangling the English language like that?

Get on my level boar-man

first sign someone has lost it? they turn to punctuation and grammar policing.

have a field day with that one rofl.

You’re losing all illusion of class there, Pained. A classy individual would graciously acknowledge their failings and work to better themselves. This is clearly beyond you, and if I were to theorize it would be due to you being reared by wild boars.

Hey you got something right. idgaf.

This is a pore assumption. Do you know what happens when you make assumptions? You make an A$$ of U and Umption.

I would like to point out though you did exactly as i told you to do. It’s hard playing the violin all day to give all my little monkies something to dance to.

My little marionette, you do not think the conductor is following the lead of the orchestra do you? Where is your talk of class now? Where has your excellent command of the English language gone off to?

Come sugarplum, let us continue.

I’m kind of disappointed you guys stopped signing your posts :slightly_frowning_face:

Regrettably yours,


What the hell is that even supposed to mean or imply.